Disturbed by the Roar of Singapore's F-16 engine, Residents of Udon Thani Airbase Protest

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Disturbed by the Roar of Singapore's F-16 engine, Residents of Udon Thani Airbase Protest

Residents in the vicinity of Udon Thani Air Base, 560 km from Bangkok, protest at the roar of F-16 Fighting Falcon fighter jets. However, what was protested was not the F-16 belonging to Thailand, but from the F-16 belonging to the Singapore Air Force, how come?

Quoted from BangkokPost.com (4/4/2022), in September 2021, local residents living around the Udon Thani Air Base submitted a petition to the DPR committee for foreign affairs regarding the noise pollution produced by aircraft in the area.

To be precise, Udon Thani Air Base, which operates under the 23rd air wing, is used as a training ground by Thai and Singaporean fighter jet pilots.

Like most airbases in Indonesia, the Udon Thani airbase is also used for commercial civil aviation, even its status as an international airport. Although Udon Thani is used by civilian and military aircraft. However, locals say a large level of noise pollution comes from Singapore's F-16 fighter jets, which take off and land frequently.

According to Wichavarut Somchan, a specialist in the Pollution Control Department, the sound level detected during the exercise measured 64.8–65.2 decibels, too loud for residential areas.

Teachers at a school near the air base must stop class every time a fighter jet takes off, lands, or flies over it. Children were asked to protect their ears from noise. The roar of the F-16 was so loud that it triggered a car alarm and rattled windows and doors.

Responding to residents' complaints, the House of Representatives has proposed an option to relocate the air base. At a meeting last month, local residents said noise pollution had dropped following the rescheduling of F-16 training flights and a reduction in civil aviation from eight to four per day.

Singapore has an agreement with Thailand to use Udon Thani as a training base for F-16 pilots. The Bangkok Post said affected residents would receive assistance and compensation from the Singapore Air Force.

The Thai Air Force recently confirmed that the training ground will be relocated within the next three years, and part of its budget has been allocated to develop the airport at Nam Phong Khon Kaen.

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