Today Russia Announces Armistice in Ukraine Wednesday Morning

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Today Russia Announces Armistice in Ukraine Wednesday Morning

Russia again announced plans for a humanitarian ceasefire in Ukraine on Wednesday (9/3) morning. This was done to evacuate the civilian population.

"Starting at 10.00 MSK (14.00 WIB) on March 9, 2022, the Russian Federation declared a 'silent regime' and was ready to provide humanitarian corridors," said the representative of the Russian Ministry of Defense in charge of humanitarian operations in Ukraine, reported by AFP Wednesday (9/3). .

In addition, Russia also proposes to agree on the route and start time of the humanitarian corridor with Ukraine before 03.00 MSK.

Previously, the evacuation of civilians took place on Tuesday (8/3) morning, specifically from Sumy City where two convoys left the area at noon. Evacuations also took place outside the capital Kyiv.

However, evacuation attempts from the port city of Mariupol failed on several occasions in recent days. Both Kyiv and Moscow blame others for the failure.

CNN reported that evacuation corridors were opened in a number of cities namely Kyiv, Chernihiv, Sumy, Kharkiv, Mariupol, along with other cities negotiated with Ukraine.

In a Telegram post carried by CNN, the Ukrainian Armed Forces revealed that Russia would request that Ukraine agree to the routes and opening hours of the humanitarian corridor and notify representatives of foreign embassies, the UN, OSCE and the Red Cross at 02.00 in Kyiv on March 9.

"Hard to trust the invaders," the post reads.

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