Solar Storm Reaches Earth in Two Days, Scientists: Still in the Light Category

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Solar Storm Reaches Earth in Two Days, Scientists: Still in the Light Category

Hurricane Mataharu or Geomagnetic reaches Earth in these two days (14 and 15 March 2022). Still in the light category, the aurora was reportedly seen in the New York and Idaho areas, according to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA).

Recently an astronomical phenomenon which is weather in space is happening. Quoting from Live Science, this solar storm or also called mild geomagnetic occurs on Monday and Tuesday (14 and 15 March 2022).

This solar storm occurs after a flare (a large explosion in the Sun's atmosphere) was exploding out of the sun's atmosphere a few days ago, government weather agencies in the US and UK have reported.

According to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) in the US, this solar storm did not cause any damage to Earth. It is likely to disrupt radio transmissions and affect the stability of the power grid at high latitudes.

Meanwhile, in low-latitude regions the aurora borealis will be visible, possibly as far south as New York and Idaho in the US, NOAA said.

Sun storm

For additional information, solar or geomagnetic storms or also called magnetic storms are space weather phenomena that occur when the efficient exchange of energy from the solar wind to the outer space environment around the Earth.

The good news is this solar storm has no significant impact even though it reaches Earth. NOAA categorizes solar storms that come as categories G2 (moderate) on Monday (14/03/2022) and G1 (minor) on Tuesday (15/03/2022).

NOAA also adds that Earth frequently experiences more than 2,000 G1 and G2 solar storms every decade. Meanwhile, the current solar storm is a mild, the latest G2 storm to hit Earth on Sunday (13/03/2022) and is not causing any problems.

What are the effects of a Solar Storm?

Most of these solar or geomagnetic storms are mild. It only destroys technology in space or at very high latitudes, as stated by NOAA. But larger bursts can trigger much more extreme storms, such as the famous 1859 Carrington event.

The incident caused the electric current to be so strong that the telegraph equipment exploded, according to NASA.

Some scientists have warned that another solar storm of that size could bring about an "internet apocalypse" on Earth. This means that countries around the world will be offline for weeks or months, as Live Science previously reported.

In addition to having an impact on the electricity network until the internet apocalypse, the solar storm also gives rise to Aurora.

The sun has reportedly been spewing CMEs (coronal mass discharges) almost daily since mid-January, although not all have crossed paths with Earth, according to the NOAA report.

The next 11-year cycle of solar activity known as the Solar Maximum will occur around July 2025. That's when solar activity tends to increase over time.

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