Russian Brutal Attack, One Family Including Child Killed in Car!

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Russian Brutal Attack, One Family Including Child Killed in Car!

Ukraine reported that Russian troops attacked a family who was evacuating. As a result of this attack, three members of the family died, one of which was a boy.

"A car carrying a family evacuating with a small child was shot by a Russian tank!" said the statement from the Ukrainian Embassy in Jakarta received by, Tuesday (15/3).

The names of the family members who died were Mikhail Soloshenko, Inna, and Ephraim. Soloshenko is an alumni of the Faculty of Engineering and Technology of the Sumy National Agrarian University.

"Thousands of staff and students express their deep condolences to the families and relatives of the alumni of the Faculty of Engineering and Technology, Mikhail Soloshenko, his wife Inna, and their son Ephraim, who died tragically at the hands of the Russian occupiers," said the university's rector, Vladimir Ladyka. .

Entering the third week of the invasion, Russia's attack on Ukraine was getting worse. Russia frequently targets civilian facilities, including a maternity home in Mariupol and a number of apartments.

The office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) reported that at least 636 civilians had died in Ukraine since Russia's "military operation" began. A total of 1,125 civilians were also injured as of Monday (14/3).

"Most of the civilians who became victims were recorded to have been hit by explosive weapons with a wide impact area," the OHCHR said in a statement.

According to the OHCHR, these explosive weapons are used in several forms, such as fire from heavy artillery, multi-launch rocket systems, and missile attacks.

OHCHR confirmed, the number of victims may be far higher than the reports they received. Meanwhile, Ukraine's emergency services reported that more than 2,000 people had died as a result of Russian strikes.

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