Seriously Developing Electric Cars, Global Car Manufacturers Partner With Leading Technology Companies

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Seriously Developing Electric Cars, Global Car Manufacturers Partner With Leading Technology Companies

Several global car manufacturers are getting serious about working on the electric car segment this year. To spur acceleration in working on electric cars, several automotive manufacturers have partnered with several technology giants.

Latest, there is Honda Motor Co. which announced a collaboration with Sony Corp. Honda and Sony will start a joint venture to make and sell electric vehicles.

The joint venture company can start operating at the end of the year. Meanwhile, product shipments are planned to start in 2025.

Sony will later be tasked with creating a platform that will provide mobility services. Meanwhile, Honda was responsible for producing the first model of an electric car.

“While Sony and Honda are companies that share a lot of history and culture, our areas of technology expertise are very different. Therefore, I believe this alliance, which brings together the strengths of our two companies, offers great possibilities," said Honda CEO Toshihiro Mibe.

For your information, Sony has long had a desire to enter the automotive industry. Sony has started testing the car, called the Vision-S 01, on public roads in Europe in December 2020.

“With our imaging and sensing, cloud, 5G and entertainment technologies combined with our content mastery, we believe Sony is well positioned as a creative entertainment company to redefine mobility,” said Sony CEO Kenichiro Yoshida at CES in January.

The Honda-Sony collaboration in the electric vehicle industry also seems to be followed by other electric car manufacturers. Bearing in mind, the need for the latest technology in the production of electric cars is also needed which is currently being developed.

Recently, German automotive manufacturer Volkswagen is reportedly lobbying Huawei to acquire autonomous driving technology. Volkswagen is interested in using this technology to be embedded in its future electric cars.

Similar to Honda-Sony, the VW-Huawei collaboration will also form a new joint venture. Until now there has been no further information related to the plan, but it is expected to be announced at the end of March.

Meanwhile, Volkswagen will provide funding and control the company, while Huawei will provide the technology needed to become a Tier 1 supplier. China, Jiemian.

The acquisition of Huawei's autonomous car technology is considered to be very expensive and could exceed estimates. However, this is necessary considering that Huawei comes from China, where this region is Volkswagen's biggest market.

In January, Volkswagen China CEO Stephan Wöllenstein said VW and Huawei were indeed in discussions. But he could not confirm the news of the formation of a joint venture between the two companies.

Long before the Honda-Sony collaboration, the actual collaboration talks between technology companies and car manufacturers already existed when Apple and Hyundai wanted to start a deal. Last year Hyundai confirmed that they were in talks over the Apple Car project before those talks were called off.

Thus, Sony will be one step ahead among the other tech giants in starting the race in the electric car segment. Given that its once dominant position in consumer electronics has been eroded by Asian rivals such as Samsung Electronics.

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