Apple Starts Stopping Sales of Its Products in Russia!

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Apple Starts Stopping Sales of Its Products in Russia!

Apple Inc suspended sales of products in Russia following the country's invasion of Ukraine, saying it stands "with all those who have suffered the consequences of violence."

The iPhone maker said Tuesday that it stopped exporting products to the country's sales channels last week, before halting sales. It has also removed the RT News and Sputnik News apps from the App Store outside Russia and has disabled the live traffic and incidents feature in Ukraine as a "security and precautionary measure" for residents there.

The move follows Ukraine's plea for Apple to stop selling products in Russia, with Deputy Prime Minister Mykhailo Fedorov saying the move could help turn young Russians against the invasion.

He also asked the company to close its local App Store. Apple has operated a dedicated online store for Russia for the past few years, as well as an App Store tailored to the country. This is not the first time Apple has stopped sales in a country. Apple briefly halted sales in Turkey last year due to economic turmoil and currency fluctuations.

In Russia, the company has also restricted its Apple Pay service and other online offerings in recent days. Nike Inc., another iconic US brand, has also suspended sales in Russia, saying on Tuesday it "cannot guarantee delivery of goods to customers."

Apple shares slumped to session lows following news of moves in Russia, before recouping some of the losses. The stock closed down 1.2% to $163.20 on Tuesday.

"We are deeply concerned about Russia's invasion of Ukraine," Apple said in a statement. "We are supporting humanitarian efforts, providing assistance to the ongoing refugee crisis, and doing all we can to support our teams in the region."

The Cupertino, Calif.-based company also said it would continue to evaluate the situation and communicate with the government regarding any action taken. "We join everyone around the world calling for peace."

Chief Executive Officer Tim Cook expressed concern last week about "the situation in Ukraine," without naming Russia. "I think of those who are currently in danger and join all those calling for peace," he tweeted.

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