Duterte Will Soon Restart Nuclear Power Plants in the Philippines

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Duterte Will Soon Restart Nuclear Power Plants in the Philippines

Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte signed an executive order to make nuclear one of his country's main sources of power generation.

Reporting from Reuters, the decision which was passed on February 28 was only announced to the public on Thursday (3/3).

"The national government is committed to incorporating nuclear energy into the mix of energy sources," he said.

The decree was signed three months before Duterte ended his six-year term. After this, an inter-agency panel will work to revive the Bataan Nuclear Power Plant (BNPP).

Construction of the Philippine nuclear power plant complex was completed in 1984. The site was eventually closed two years later after President Ferdinand Marcos was ousted from office. In the same year, the Chernobyl disaster also occurred in the Soviet Union.

Since 2009, BNPP has been operating as a tourist attraction. Revenue from the sector has been successful in helping to finance its maintenance costs.

Duterte said nuclear power would be utilized as a viable alternative baseload power source, as the Philippines seeks to phase out coal-fired power plants to help meet climate goals.

This step is also expected to be a stepping stone for economic development, which has been experiencing seasonal blackouts and high electricity prices.

Philippine Energy Secretary Alfonso Cusi, who supports nuclear power, said it could help alleviate electricity supply problems and high costs.

Meanwhile, Deputy Energy Secretary of the Philippines Gerardo Erguiza Jr. said the regulatory framework for nuclear power still needs legislation and its future also depends on the next administration's agenda.

Rodrigo Duterte, who has been in office since 2016, has decided not to run for re-election this year. Duterte also said he would retire from politics.

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