Warren Buffett's Wealth Increases as Other Billionaire's Assets Dwindle

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Warren Buffett's Wealth Increases as Other Billionaire's Assets Dwindle

The wealth of veteran investor Warren Buffett continues to grow. In this week ending on Friday (18/2), Warren Buffett remains in the fifth position of the world's richest person, after previously being in 10th position. Buffett's wealth has also increased significantly.

Launching Forbes Real Time Billionaires, Warren Buffett has a total net worth of US $ 113.8 billion.

Warren Buffett has been aggressively entering the digital business lately. Things he used to consider taboo. Buffett is recorded to have purchased US$ 1 billion of Nubank shares. Nubank is a digital bank based in Brazil.

Buffett's wealth grew at a time when other rich people were experiencing a decline in their wealth. Even the CEO of Facebook, Mark Zuckerberg was thrown into the position of the 15 richest people with a total wealth of US $ 73.8 billion.

Whereas previously Zuckerberg was calm in the fourth or fifth richest position in the world after Bill Gates with a wealth of over US $ 100 billion.

Previously, the number of people with wealth above US$ 100 billion also reached 10 billionaires, now only eight billionaires have a price in the bag of US$ 100 billion.

1. Elon Musk US$ 233.6 billion

2. Bernard Arnault US$187.4 billion

3. Jeff Bezos US$ 178.5 billion

4. Bill Gates US $ 129 billion

5. Warren Buffett US$ 113.8 billion

6. Larry Page US$ 111.0 billion

7. Sergey Brin US$107 billion

8. Larry Ellison US$ 103.0 billion

9. Mukesh Ambani US$ 93.0 billion

10. Steve Ballmers $92.6 billion

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