West Almost Every Day Predicts Invasion of Ukraine, Kremlin: It's a Provocation!

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West Almost Every Day Predicts Invasion of Ukraine, Kremlin: It's a Provocation!

Western countries almost daily make predictions about Russia invading Ukraine.

Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov called it a provocative act that had disastrous consequences.

US President Joe Biden said last Friday that he believed Russian President Vladimir Putin had made the decision to attack Ukraine.

According to Biden, while there is still room for diplomacy, he expects Russian troops to stay away from Ukraine in the coming days.

Russia has repeatedly denied preparing to attack Ukraine. Peskov told state television station Rossiya 1 that Putin did not pay attention to such Western statements.

“In fact, this directly leads to an increase in tensions. And when tensions rise to the maximum, as now, for example, in the lines of contact (in eastern Ukraine), then any spark, unplanned incident or minor premeditated provocation can lead to irreparable consequences."

“So all of this has—perhaps had—adverse consequences. Daily drills announcing a date for Russia to invade Ukraine is a very bad practice," Peskov added.

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