Russia's Nuclear Forces on High Alert, Putin's Tactics to Press Ukraine

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Russia's Nuclear Forces on High Alert, Putin's Tactics to Press Ukraine

Ukraine says Russian President Vladimir Putin's order to put its nuclear forces on high alert is a tactic to pressure Kiev. According to Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba, it was Putin's tactic to put pressure on the Kiev delegation who will hold talks with Moscow today (28/2/2022).

He stressed that Kiev would not be afraid of such tactics. Kuleba said Russia had dropped the preconditions for peace talks after suffering a setback in its military invasion.

According to him, Ukraine will listen to what Russia has to say. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky said on Sunday that Russia had agreed to hold talks at a site on the Belarusian border near the Pripyat River. These will be the first talks since Russia invaded its neighbor last week.

it was not immediately clear who would represent the two sides in the talks. Ukrainian media said Ukraine sent a Kuleba representative to the meeting, the exact location and time of which was not disclosed.

"We see this announcement, this Putin order, as an attempt to raise the stakes and put additional pressure on the Ukrainian delegation. But we will not give in to this pressure," Kuleba said, as quoted by Reuters.

Russia has attacked Ukraine from three sides last week, shelling cities mainly in the south, east and north of the country and advancing on the national capital; Kyiv. Ukraine says Russia has suffered thousands of losses, although the toll could not be independently verified and Russia has not released its own figures.

"I want to remind you that just a few days ago when the war started, Russia was not at all interested in any talks. After they suffered losses... and Blitzkrieg failed, Russia started speaking in the language of ultimatums," Kuleba said.

"As Russia continued to suffer, as the Russian army suffered defeat after defeat, Russia's demands, preconditions, ultimatums were put aside, and now they are conveying a message to us that they just want to talk."

Kuleba said Ukraine would not give up an inch of its territory. The talks were made possible after Zelensky held a phone call with Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko.

Zelensky said Lukashenko had taken responsibility for ensuring that all planes, helicopters and missiles stationed on Belarusian territory remained on the ground during the trip of the Kiev delegation.

Belarus has been the go-between for previous negotiations between Ukraine and Russia since 2014 but Ukraine says it refuses to hold new talks on Belarusian soil after Minsk became one of the venues for smoothing Moscow's invasion.

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