Invasion Day 5 Update: Russian Artillery Attacks Ukrainian Base in Vasylkiv

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Invasion Day 5 Update: Russian Artillery Attacks Ukrainian Base in Vasylkiv

Russia's invasion of Ukraine has entered its fifth day on Monday (28/2/2022). The Kiev military confirmed that the military base in Vasylkiv was attacked by artillery by Moscow troops.

In a Facebook post quoted by Reuters, the General Staff of the Ukrainian Armed Forces said members of the defense forces at the Vasylkiv military air base southwest of Kiev resisted artillery and other attacks from Moscow forces.

Earlier, Ukraine's Health Ministry said on Sunday that 352 civilians, including 14 children, had died since the start of the Moscow invasion. According to the UN version, the number of children who died was 16.

The ministry also said that 1,684 people, including 116 children, were injured. Ukraine's military said Sunday was a difficult day for its troops. Because, Russian troops continued to fire from almost all directions.

The United Nations Security Council on Sunday called for a rare emergency special session of the 193-member General Assembly on Russia's invasion of Ukraine.

An emergency special session will be held on Monday, as Western allies step up a diplomatic campaign to isolate Moscow.

The vote by the 15-member council is procedural so Russia cannot exercise its veto power. A resolution convening the General Assembly session was adopted by 11 yes votes. Russia voted no, while China, India and the United Arab Emirates abstained.

"This council member has exposed Russia's diplomatic impotence. Russia is again isolated," said British Ambassador to the United Nations Barbara Woodward.

"Russia cannot stop the world from uniting in condemning its invasion of Ukraine."

The move is the latest in a flurry of diplomacy at the United Nations in New York. It follows Russia's veto on Friday of a draft council resolution that would have deplored Moscow's invasion of Kiev.

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