This is the Largest Solar Eruption Captured by the Solar Orbiter Satellite

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This is the Largest Solar Eruption Captured by the Solar Orbiter Satellite

This is a portrait of the largest solar eruption caught by the ESA/NASA Solar Orbiter satellite. Luckily this solar eruption does not point to Earth which can cause technological damage in everyday life.

Recently the European Space Agency (ESA) revealed its latest portrait of the largest solar eruption caught by the Solar Orbiter satellite. The event occurred on February 15, 2022, the largest eruption of the Sun stretching millions of kilometers into space as quoted from the official ESA website.

Luckily, the coronal mass spike didn't point toward Earth. If this happens and leads to Earth, it can result in the destruction of technology in everyday life.

Quoted from Cnet, this solar eruption is the largest ever observed in a single image along with a full solar disk.

Biggest solar eruption

The portrait of the largest solar eruption sighting was captured by the Solar Orbiter satellite. A little additional information, Solar Orbiter is a solar observer satellite developed by ESA.

The Solar Orbiter or often referred to as SolO was launched on February 10, 2020 to observe the Sun from an eccentric orbit that moves as close as 60 solar radii.

In addition to portraits in the form of photos, Solar Orbiter and the SOHO spacecraft also managed to represent a video of how this biggest solar explosion occurred.

ESA added that this event serves as an important reminder of the unpredictable nature of the Sun. They also point to the importance of understanding and monitoring the Sun's behavior.

Still quoted from the same source, the explosion of the Sun is also said to be able to trigger beautiful aurora on Earth. While it's beautiful, these solar flares can also interfere with GPS and communications systems.

It's not scary if the eruption of the Sun is pointing towards Earth. Fortunately the biggest solar eruption is coming from the other side of the Sun and moving away from this planet inhabited by many living things.

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