Ziyan Blowfish A3 – Mini Copter Drone With Group Attack Ability

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Ziyan Blowfish A3 – Mini Copter Drone With Group Attack Ability

A photo post on the streakingdelilah Instagram account attracted attention, in the caption it was called Brimob personnel posing with the Blowfish A3 copter drone. It is not known exactly whether the combatant drone (UCAV) is owned by Indonesia or vice versa, what is clear is that the Blowfish A3 is interesting to watch.

The Chinese defense industry has so far released several armed copter drones. For example, there is the Norinco CR500 whose debut was already known after it succeeded in reaching the export market to an undisclosed country. Well, Blowfish A3 is also made by a Chinese company, namely Zhuhai Ziyan, which is based in GuangDong.

The Blowfish A3 was first introduced at the MAKS 2019 event in Russia. This drone category is included in the mini VTOL (vertical take-off and landing). At the time of its introduction, the status of the A3 Blowfish was still under development with the United Arab Emirates Armed Forces.

This electric-powered copter drone has a total weight of 40 kg, and can carry a weapons payload of 15 kg. Because the payload is very limited, there are not many weapons carried, such as mini rockets or 8 vertical tube magazines for 60 mm caliber mortars or 81 mm grenades to bomb at an altitude of at least 300 meters from targets on the surface. 

The Blowfish A3 should also be able to carry automatic weapons without modification, from machine guns to riot control devices.

Quoted from airrecognition.com, this drone only takes 3 minutes to prepare before takeoff. On a full battery, the Blowfish A3 can fly for 75 minutes. Ziyan has designed this drone to operate in groups – up to 10 drones (swarm drones) to attack targets at a distance of 80 km.

In more detail, this drone copter has dimensions of 1940 x 470 x 710 mm. Its cruising speed is in the range of 50 – 70 km per hour and a maximum speed of 145 km per hour. This drone can fly up to a wind speed tolerance limit of level 7 (17 meters per second).

When in the air without a payload, the Blowfish A3 can fly for 75 minutes and fly a maximum of 80 km. Familiar to operate in various weathers, this copter drone can operate at temperatures from -20 to 65 degrees Celsius.

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