Continue 'Tradition', Jordan Officially Orders Eight F-16 Viper

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Jordan Officially Orders Eight F-16 Viper

As if without further ado, Jordan has signed a Letter of Offer and Acceptance for the purchase of eight new F-16 Block 70 Viper fighter jets. Jordan's F-16 Viper will be built in Greenville, South Carolina, where Lockheed Martin continues to recruit workers to pursue production targets for the F-16 Viper.

Earlier on February 3, 2022, the Jordanian Government had submitted a request to Washington to purchase 12 F-16C Block 70 units; 4 F-16D Block 70 units; 21 F100-GE-129D engines or F100-PW229EEP engines; 21 Improved Programmable Display Generators (iPDG); 21 AN/APG-83 Active Electronically Scanned Array (AESA) Scalable Agile Beam Radars (SABR) radars; 21 Modular Mission Computer (MMC) 7000AH ; 6 AN/AAQ-33 Sniper Advanced Targeting Pod (ATP).

As well as a weapons and equipment package that includes 72 LAU-129 rocket launchers; 21 cannon Vulcan M61A1; 402 FMU-139 or FMU-152 Joint Programmable fuzes; 100 KMU-556 Joint Direct Attack Munition (JDAM) tail kits for 2,000 LB GBU-31 smart bombs; 102 KMU-572 JDAM tail kit for 500LB Laser JDAM GBU-54; 100 MAU-209 Computer Control Group (CCG) for Paveway II (PWII) GBU-10; 102 MXU-651 Air Foil Group (AFG) for 2,000 units of LB PWII GBU-10; 200 MK-84 or BLU-117 bomb bodies; 204 MK-82 or BLU-111 bomb bodies; six (6) MK-82 inert bombs; and two (2) MAU-169 Computer Control Group (CCG) trainers.

“This acquisition of the F-16 reflects more than 70 years of US cooperation and decades of partnership with Lockheed Martin. Our history of partnering with Jordan strengthens regional security and helps protect citizens through 21st Century Security technologies that support critical missions today and tomorrow," said Aimee Burnett, vice president, Integrated Fighter Group Business Development at Lockheed Martin.

In July 1994, King Hussein of Jordan signed a peace treaty with Israel, ending more than 40 years of hostility between the two countries. Shortly thereafter, the Jordanian Government began lobbying the United States government to purchase 42 F-16A/B Fighting Falcons.

The request from King Hussein had to wait a long time to be approved. The country probably most directly affected by the overall deal, namely Israel, is an enthusiastic supporter of the transfer of 16 F-16s to Jordan and has been one of the main backers urging the US Government to proceed with the deal.

Continue 'Tradition', Jordan Officially Orders Eight F-16 Viper

In 2009 the Belgian government decided to sell another 9 F-16AMs. The first country to respond was Jordan and negotiations continued until 2011. Finally deliveries consisted of 6 F-16AMs and 3 F-16BMs, all delivered in July 2011. The number of Jordanian F-16s has increased to 64 today.

The F-16 Block 70/72 Viper is a state-of-the-art F-16 configuration that incorporates new capabilities and structural improvements to ensure the fighter is operational until at least 2060. 

The upgrade increases the structural life of the new configuration by 50 percent when compared to the previous generation of F-16s. . The F-16 Viper offers 12,000 hours of service life and interoperability with allied fighter jets within NATO.

The F-16 Viper has now been ordered by six countries. Production of the F-16 Viper is currently underway in Greenville, where the first deliveries of the new production F-16 Viper will be made to Bahrain's order in 2022.

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