Ukrainian President Requests To Norway, Requests To Send NASAMS Hanud Systems And NSM Anti-Ship Missiles

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Ukrainian President Requests To Norway, Requests To Send NASAMS Hanud Systems And NSM Anti-Ship Missiles

After previously asking the United States to send three squadrons of A-10 Thunderbolt "Tank Busters," now Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy has made another request. Exactly Zelenskyy asked Norway to be able to send its flagship defense equipment products to Ukraine. What did Zelenskyy ask for?

Quoted from (30/3/2022), Norway has so far sent 2,000 units of disposable M72 LAW anti-tank rockets to Ukraine. Meanwhile, what Volodymyr Zelenskyy asked for this time was heavy weapons and anti-ship missiles.

Since Norway is known as a manufacturer of NASAMS (Norwegian Advanced Surface to Air Missile) and anti-ship missiles Naval Strike Missile (NSM), both types of weapons are what the ex-comedian president asked for.

According to Zelenskyy, NASAMS and Naval Strike are considered to be able to provide a distinct advantage for Ukrainian forces to defend against Russian onslaught, where so far the deployment of the S-300 air defense system with assistance from NATO countries (Slovakia) has not yet been operational.

Kongsberg Defense & Aerospace's NASAMS system consists of an active radar homing guided AIM-120 AMRAAM missile launcher, a high-resolution Raytheon MPQ-64F1 Sentinel radar, infrared (IR) and electro optic (EO) sensors, and a command post or FCU (Fire). Control Units). The MPQ-64F1 is a 3D beam surveillance radar that has a monitoring range of up to 75 km.

While for the AIM-120 AMRAAM missiles to choose from, Raytheon provides four options, the AIM-120 A/B with a firing range of 55-75 km, AIM-120C (105 km), AIM-120D (180 km), and AIM-120 ER. (Extended Range) with a firing range of 40 – 50 km further than the AIM-120D. But the new AIM-120 ER will be produced in 2019.

NASAMS can now also launch missiles other than the AIM-120, which can launch the AIM-9X Sidewinder. The AIM-9X is the latest version of the Sidewinder capable of destroying targets at a distance of 20 km.

Meanwhile, Kongsberg's NSM anti-ship missile is powered by a solid fuel rocket booster, the Microturbo TRI-40 turbojet, which is capable of launching high-subsonic missiles. The distance of the trail starts from 185 – 250 km, depending on the target profile.

As with anti-ship missiles in general, the NSM flies in the terminal phase in a sea skimming pattern. As a guiding system, it relies on a combination of Inertial, GPS, terrain-reference navigation, imaging infrared homing and a target database.

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