Russia's Fate in the UN Human Rights Council Will Soon Be Decided Through a Vote

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Russia's Fate in the UN Human Rights Council Will Soon Be Decided Through a Vote

The UN General Assembly is scheduled to hold a vote on Thursday to decide Russia's fate in membership of the UN Human Rights Council, Reuters reported.

Previously, the US had urged Russia to be immediately suspended from the council's membership due to reports of serious and systematic violations and human rights violations by sending troops to Ukraine.

Two-thirds of the vote, without counting the abstentions, was enough to suspend one country from membership of the 47-member UN Human Rights Council.

Western diplomats believe they have enough support among the 193-member General Assembly to adopt a resolution to suspend Russia.

A similar incident was experienced by Libya in 2011 due to violence against protesters by troops loyal to Muammar Gaddafi.

Citing Reuters, the draft UN General Assembly statement on this issue expresses grave concern over the ongoing human rights and humanitarian crisis in Ukraine, in particular over reports of rights abuses by Russia.

Russia is currently in its second year on the three-year membership of the UN Human Rights Council. Being part of the council provides an opportunity for Russia to send an important political message and can authorize an investigation.

Russia has warned that countries voting 'yes' or abstaining will be deemed to have made a hostile gesture that could threaten bilateral relations.

Since Russia's invasion of Ukraine began on February 24, the UN General Assembly has adopted two resolutions condemning Russia with 141 and 140 votes in favor. Russia rejects the name invasion and says it is carrying out special operations to demilitarize Ukraine.

During that time, at least 1,430 civilians have been killed, including more than 121 children. The United Nations says about 11 million Ukrainians, or more than a quarter of the population, have been displaced.

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