Russian Troops Use Wooden Armor To Protect Rantis In Ukraine

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Russian Troops Use Wooden Armor To Protect Rantis In Ukraine

Although it seems old-fashioned, apparently wooden armor is also used in modern wars in Ukraine. In high-intensity battles, where various types of projectiles come from various directions, making rantis and ranpur need extra protection. Especially for logistics transport vehicles that lack protection, entrusting fate to protection from ranpurs and helicopters cannot be a guarantee of safety.

Based on the case above, a number of Russian military trucks are known to have installed wooden armor and several scrap metal plates to protect vital areas, such as the cabin and engine.

As seen in the photo above, it is a Kamaz truck carrying a pontoon bridge that is mounted with stacked wooden beams on its bumper. Was it effective to install wooden armor in the war in Ukraine?

So far there have been no further reports, however, surely the wooden armor is indeed prepared to withstand the brunt of small caliber projectiles. The use of wooden armor has previously been used by TNI troops, such as the Marine Corps of the Indonesian Navy during Military Operations against GAM (Free Aceh Movement) and also placing wooden armor on troop transport trucks.

Of course, it is the hope that every soldier who enters the battlefield can get adequate protective equipment. But between expectations and reality are sometimes far from meeting point.

Operation orders are, of course, actions that must be carried out for soldiers, and for naval crew members, they must be clever in making creations, at least being able to reduce the impact of projectile strikes.

As in the Philippines in the conflict in Marawi in 2017, the V-150 Commando armored vehicle, alerted by Cadillac Cage, appears to be linked with wooden armour, aka wood as body armor. Some observers say that if the goal is to reduce the impact of RPGs, it will not be effective.

As an illustration, the RPG-2/RPG-7 can crush a layer of armor as thick as 180 mm, while the weapons deployed in Marawi, such as the standard V-150/V-300 and M113 are only able to withstand the brunt of 7.62 mm caliber projectiles.

Although its effectiveness is still questionable, the installation of wooden armor is believed to increase the spirit of the crew in carrying out combat operations.

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