Russian Kamaz 5350 6×6 Truck Shows “Mad Max” Style Equipped with ZU-23-2 Kanon

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Russian Kamaz 5350 6×6 Truck Shows “Mad Max” Style Equipped with ZU-23-2 Kanon

After previously being reviewed about Russian rantis using wooden armor in their military operations in Ukraine, now they are still from the same type of vehicle, namely the Kamaz 5350 truck, which looks to appear in the "Mad Max" style.

Various armor plates were added around the truck body, the purpose was none other than to be able to withstand the brunt of projectiles when the vehicle had to enter the battlefield.

However, there is something unique about the Kamaz Mad Max, apparently this 'armored' truck also has the ability to attack, which is a PSU (Air Attack Repellent) ZSU-23-2 23 mm caliber Kanon placed on the body.

The doctrine of deploying cannons produced by ZSU-23-3 has been expanded, which previously focused on point air defense (hanud) systems, now ZSU-23=2 can be deployed to support infantry troop movements, especially in fire support missions.

The Kanon ZU-23-2, also known as the 23 mm caliber ZUR, is produced by Zakłady Mechaniczne Tarnów (ZMT). This type of Kanon has also been operated by Arhanud TNI AD. Besides being sold in the towed version, this canon is also commonly placed on the BMP-2 chain-wheel armored vehicle platform.

In general, this Kanon has a maximum vertical firing range of 2,000 meters, and a horizontal firing range of 3,000 meters.

While the Mad Max truck in this photo is the Kamaz 5350 Mustang 6×6, which is included in the general utility truck group. The Kamaz 5350 has a carrying capacity of 6 tons, and has the ability to tow trailers or artillery.


These military trucks can carry various shelters or container type loads. A standard troop/cargo platform has drop sides, a drop tailgate and a bow-removable tarp.

The Kamaz 5350 is powered by the KamAZ-740.13.260 turbocharged diesel engine with 260 hp. This engine meets EURO II emission requirements. The engine is also equipped with a cold weather starter device and can be started at temperatures up to -50 °C. The vehicle has full-time all-wheel drive and is equipped with a central tire inflation system.

The maximum speed of the Kamaz 5350 is 100 km per hour, with a full fuel tank capacity, this truck can travel up to 1,000 km. From the specifications, the truck, which was launched in 2003, has a length of 7.85 meters, a width of 2.5 meters and a height of 3.29 meters. The overall vehicle weight is 9.2 tons.

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