RFS Kommuna – Century-Old Salvage/Rescue Ship, Deployed To Sink Point RTS Moskva

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RFS Kommuna – Century-Old Salvage/Rescue Ship, Deployed To Sink Point RTS Moskva

After the sinking of the Russian missile cruiser RTS Moskva in the Black Sea on April 13-14, the Russian Navy warships had minimal activity at the point or coordinates of the sinking of the 12,490-ton cruiser. Generally, above the sinking location of a ship, it will be 'filled' with activities on the surface, both ships to support SAR, evacuation and investigation purposes.

Quoted from NavalNews.com, satellite images combing the incident area indicate the coordinates of the alleged location of the sinking of the Moskva RTS which are often cloudy. Moreover, the warships of the Russian Black Sea Fleet that are in the area are also under threat, namely that their fate could be stung by a Ukrainian anti-ship missile launched from the coast, the RK-360MC Neptune.

However, there is news that the Russian Navy has deployed the salvage/rescue ship RFS Kommuna to the coordinates of the sinking of the RFS Moskva. The RFS Kommuna is a submarine rescue ship, but there is something unique about this ship.

Because the age of this ship is very old and out of the ordinary, where the ship built by the Putilov Company in St. Petersburg was launched on November 17, 1913, and entered the service of the Soviet Navy on July 14, 1915.

Because it is a high historical asset and a relic of World War I era defense equipment, the deployment of the RFS Kommuna to hot spots in the Black Sea is highly recommended, considering that this historic asset can become an easy target for anti-ship missiles launched by Ukraine.

Even though it was launched in the era of World War I, the construction of the RFS Kommuna was quite advanced in its time, one of which can be seen from its design which adheres to a dual hull – catamaran.

Adjusting technology and times, in 1967, the ship sailed from the Baltic Sea to the Black Sea, and received an upgrade package worth 11 million rubles, making the RFS Kommuna able to carry a mini-submarine for search and rescue purposes and evacuation in case of an underwater accident. In 1974, the RFS Kommuna was equipped with the Type AS-6 Poisk-2 submarine, which on 15 December 1974 made a record dive to a depth of 2,026 meters.

RFS Kommuna

In 1977, the Type AS-6 Poisk-2 submarine was used in the search for the Sukhoi Su-24 that crashed and sank in the Caucasus at a depth of 1,700 meters.

In 1984, the RFS Kommuna was transferred to the Russian Academy of Sciences. However, the transfer was cancelled, and in 1999 the RFS Kommuna was re-appointed as a submarine rescue ship for the Black Sea Fleet.

The latest news, in October 2009 RFS Kommuna received a British-made rescue submarine, Pantera Plus, which is capable of operating to a depth of 1,000 meters. Since January 2012, the RFS Kommuna has been part of a rescue ship detachment based in Sevastopol.

Associated with the sinking of the RTS Moskva which sank at a depth of 45 to 50 meters, it is certainly not a difficult thing to achieve by the submarines in the RFS Kommuna. It is highly probable that the RFS Kommuna was deployed to carry out the evacuation of onboard strategic weapons, crew remains, and other sensitive material that foreign intelligence might be targeting.

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