Poland sends T-72A MBT to Ukraine, Challenger 2 MBT 'Swap' for MBT Challenger 2

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Poland sends T-72A MBT to Ukraine, Challenger 2 MBT 'Swap' for MBT Challenger 2

The case of "swapping" the second weapon system in the Ukraine War is likely to happen, after Slovakia sent the S-300 air defense system to Ukraine, and then Slovakia got a 'replacement' in the form of a Patriot armor system from the United States. 

Similar but not the same, Poland is said to be sending the MBT (Main Battle Tank) T-72A, and in exchange Poland will receive the MBT Challenger 2 from the UK.

According to information published by the website of The Times newspaper, British Prime Minister Boris Johnson announced that Britain and Poland were in negotiations to acquire the Challenger 2 MBT, so that Poland could hand over the assets of the Soviet-made T-72 tanks to Ukraine.

In April 2022, the UK Ministry of Defense announced new military assistance of around €120 million to enhance Ukraine's military capabilities with the delivery of 800 NLAW anti-tank missiles, more Javelin anti-tank missiles, loitering munitions (kamikaze drones), Starstreak guided missiles as well as non-lethal assistance. including ballistic helmets, body armor, and night vision goggles.

Army Recognition reports that Ukrainian soldiers are currently being trained in the UK, where they will be taught to use armored vehicles donated by the British Government (Jackal or Mastiff).

Just as the reason for the donation of the S-300 defense system from Slovakia to Ukraine, the reason for sending the T-72A MBT to Ukraine is for reasons of ease of use and operation. As is known, Ukrainian military personnel are used to using Soviet/Russian weapons, including MBTs, so no special training is required and can be used immediately.

Based on 2021 data, Poland has 127 T-72A/T-72M1 in operational condition and another 257 in storage depots. Poland will be ready to deliver T-72 tanks to Ukraine in exchange for Britain's Challenger 2 tanks to maintain its military capabilities and deal with the Russian threat.

The T-72 is one of the most popular Soviet-era MBTs and is in wide service worldwide. The T-72A is the second generation Soviet-made MBT in the T-72 family. The T-72M is an export version of the T-72A. The main armament of the T-72A consists of a 125 mm (2A46) smoothbore gun equipped with a thermal sleeve and evacuation bore.

The 125 mm gun can fire three types of munitions in separate loadings, the APFSDS with a maximum range of 2,100 meters, the HEAT-FS with a maximum direct fire range of 4,000 meters, and the HE-FRAG(FS) with a maximum indirect fire range of 9,400 meters.

The Challenger 2
The Challenger 2

While the FV4034 Challenger 2 is the UK's flagship MBT which entered British Army service in June 1998 and the last of the 386 tanks delivered in April 2002. According to Military Report 2021, the UK currently has a total of 227 Challenger 2. 

The Challenger 2 armament consists of cannons. L30A1 120mm. This tank can carry up to 50 120 mm rounds. The second armament in the turret is a 7.62 mm coaxial machine gun mounted to the left of the main armament and another 7.62 mm machine gun mounted on the roof of the turret.

The Challenger 2 MBT is manned by four personnel – driver, commander, gunner and loader. The British prided MBT that will be upgraded to Challenger 3 is one of the most protected MBTs in the world that uses the latest generation of Chobham armor which provides increased resistance to penetration by various types of anti-tank weapons.

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