Not Just Bayraktar TB2, Turkey Also Presents Mini Bayraktar in Ukraine

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Not Just Bayraktar TB2, Turkey Also Presents Mini Bayraktar in Ukraine

As two neighbours on the Black Sea, Russia and Turkey have very close relations, as evidence, Turkey opposes various sanctions imposed by the West on Russia, but on the other hand, Turkey supports Ukraine's struggle against the Russian invasion.

In terms of supporting the Ukrainian struggle, Turkey continues to supply the Bayraktar TB2 combat drone (UCAV), which Ukraine has purchased and operated long before the outbreak of war.

With the reputation of the Baytakrar TB2 returning to the battlefield in the Ukraine war, Moscow was furious with Ankara, especially since there was a shipment of 16 TB2 units to Ukraine, in addition to the 18 units that were already in Ukraine's inventory before the war.

However, Turkey's form of support for Ukraine is not limited to the Bayraktar TB2 combat drone. Quoted from, it is said that there has been circulating footage of the battle taken by the Bayraktar Mini UAV, which indicates the involvement of the reconnaissance drone in the Ukraine war.

Bayraktar Mini is not as popular as Bayraktar TB2. But you need to know, both drones are Baykar Makina's production, and by age, the Bayraktar Mini has arrived first.

The Bayraktar Mini made its maiden flight in October 2006 and officially entered service with the Turkish armed forces in December 2007. Also operated by Qatar, the population of the Bayraktar Mini is estimated at over 500 units.

As a mini reconnaissance drone, the Bayraktar Mini was launched by hand launched and landed with a belly landing or it could be a parachute landing. With its light weight and easy assembly, the Bayraktar Mini is used to spot targets that will be used for attacks using anti-tank missiles and other light equipment or reconnaissance for artillery units.

To date, Baykar Makina has presented three variants of Bayraktar Mini, namely Bayraktar A, Bayraktar B and Bayraktar D. Take the Bayraktar Mini B, for example, powered by batteries, this drone can fly with an endurance of 60 minutes and a communication range of up to 15 km.

Baykar Makina said that the latest version of the Bayraktar Mini D has a communication range of 2 times farther and a maximum altitude of 3 times higher than the two previous variants.

This drone from composite materials weighing 4.5 kg can fly with a maximum speed of 55 km per hour, while the maximum flight altitude is up to 3,700 meters. Operated by two personnel, the payload carried by Bayraktar Mini consists of a CCD camera and a thermal camera.

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