The confusion over the causes of the Russian cruiser Moskva that sank in the Black Sea further clarifies the huge problem of corruption faced by the superpower.
"Until now, the cause of the Moskva sinking is still confusing in the midst of the information war, for me to take a simple conclusion. The Moskva ship sank due to chronic corrupt behavior," said Algooth Putranto, an observer of Communication Studies at the Graduate School of Sahid University in his statement, Friday (22/4).
According to Algooth, the cause of the sinking of a country's warship for reasons of secrecy or strategic will always be covered up. For Russia this is not the first time. This is the second. The first and tragic one was the giant submarine Kursk which sank on 12 August 2000.
The sinking of the nuclear submarine Kursk is one of the worst incidents in the history of the Russian Navy. Ridiculously, the Kursk sank while undergoing exercises for the Northern Fleet at a depth of 108 meters. This incident killed 118 crew.
Until now, the cause of the sinking of the Kursk is still unclear. Some say the torpedo's fuel leak caused it to explode, there is also a more controversial version which says the Kursk was damaged in a collision with a NATO submarine.
“Don't forget, when the tragedy of Kursk was revealed, the world was shocked by the fact that the Russian leader Vladimir Putin at that time actually refused the offer of assistance from the ships of the British and Norwegian navies. As a result, you failed to be saved," he said.
As is known when the Kursk crew struggled to save themselves at that time Putin was on vacation in the Black Sea. He only spoke publicly and asked for international assistance four days after the news of the disaster was revealed and only arrived at the location after nine days.
In the end some of the Kurks were successfully evacuated by the Dutch team from the Barents seabed a year later at a very large cost. The section that carries the main weaponry system with the active warhead is destroyed while the nuclear reactor is decommissioned.
Over time, amid the closedness of the Kursk investigation, more and more political and social researchers from the West believed that the cause of the sinking of the Kursk was the result of longstanding corruption in the political and military system in Russia.
Chronic corruption in the military makes the welfare of soldiers not ideal as well as the standard of care and procurement for defense equipment so that it endangers the soldiers who use it.
The incident of the Kurks submarine was similar to the sinking of the warship Moskva which was made in Ukraine during the Soviet Union. “The Russian side's official excuse is ridiculous to mention the detonation of ammunition. This communication doesn't make sense."
Until now, Russia, with all its greatness, has been consistent in its corrupt practices. For example, in 2020, the organization Transparency International discovered the risk of corruption in the defense sector. The reasons for secrecy make civil contractors not transparent.
“The evidence of corruption in Russia is extraordinary in 2016, when Russian Economy Minister Alexei Ulyukayev and the head of Russia's anti-corruption agency, Dmitry Zakharchencko, were arrested for corruption. Evidence of bribes from both of them, which if converted into trillions, "he said.
However, the big problem is that the Russian government is not doing a good job of eradicating corruption, on the contrary, it is crushing the anti-corruption movement that is driven by the community by making arrests.
“Last year the anti-corruption movement was rife in Russia. Anti-corruption demonstrations in one hundred cities across Russia followed many arrests. At its peak, President Putin's popularity, which was shaken by the anti-corruption movement, actually waged war on Ukraine to win the sympathy of his supporters," he concluded.
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