Many Signs of War Crimes, Ukrainian President Questions the Role of the UN Security Council

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Many Signs of War Crimes, Ukrainian President Questions the Role of the UN Security Council

Speaking virtually before the UN Security Council on Tuesday (5/4), Ukrainian President Vlodomyr Zelensky said Russian troops had committed the worst war crimes since World War II.

On the same occasion, Zelensky also attached a short video showing the burnt, bloodied and mutilated bodies of war victims, including children.

The video specifically shows the situation in the cities of Irpin, Dymerka, Mariupol and Bucha, where Ukraine accused Russian troops of killing hundreds of civilians.

"We are dealing with a country that turned its veto power in the UN Security Council into the right to cause death. Russia wants to turn Ukraine into a silent slave," Zelensky said, as quoted by Reuters.

Zelensky also questioned the role of the 15-member UN Security Council, which until now has been unable to take any action against the Russian invasion. According to him, Russia's veto power continues to be a barrier to real UN action.

Not only that, China, which is Russia's close partner, has also abstained from most of the voting on its stance on Russia since the war began.

Meanwhile India, which relies heavily on Russia for military purposes, also abstained from determining UN action. However, India condemned the killings in Bucha and called for an independent investigation.

Russia has so far insisted on denying all allegations that its troops have deliberately targeted civilians.

"We are not shooting at civilian targets in order to save as many civilians as possible. This is precisely why we are not advancing as fast as expected," said Russia's envoy to the UN, Vasily Nebenzya.

The United Nations says about 11 million Ukrainians, or more than a quarter of the population, the United Nations says about 11 million Ukrainians. As many as 4 million people have even left Ukraine.

Meanwhile, UN aid chief Martin Griffiths said at least 1,430 civilians had been killed, including more than 121 children.

The UN's head of political affairs, Rosemary DiCarlo, also reported that the UN's human rights office was trying to verify allegations of sexual assault by Russian troops.

"This includes gang rape and rape in front of children. There have also been claims of sexual assault by Ukrainian forces and civil defense militias," DiCarlo said.

After this the 193 members of the UN General Assembly are likely to vote on the move to suspend Russia on Thursday (7/4). A two-thirds majority of the electorate in attendance is required.

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