Japan Targets Rechargeable Battery Market Share to Reach 20% by 2030

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Japan Targets Rechargeable Battery Market Share to Reach 20% by 2030

Japan targets the global rechargeable battery market share to be 20% by 2030. One of the steps is to increase the global production capacity of Japanese companies almost 10 times to 600 GWh.

"We will increase our support to help Japan's battery industry recover global market share, which it has lost over the past few years in the battle with rivals China and South Korea," said Nobutaka Takeo, director at the industry ministry. 4).

Meanwhile, Japan's market share for global lithium-ion batteries used in electric vehicles (EV) fell to 21% in 2020 from 40% in 2015, and its market share in batteries used for energy storage systems fell to 5% in 2015. 2020 from 27% in 2016.

"It does not provide a figure for Japan's overall current market share in rechargeable batteries," he added.

For the 2030 target, the country will increase the domestic production capacity of batteries used in EVs and energy storage systems to 150 GWh by 2030 from around 20 GWh currently.

It also aims to expand global production capacity by Japanese battery makers to 600 GWh by 2030 from 60 to 70 GWh today, and will target full-scale commercialization of solid-state batteries by around 2030.

Meanwhile, batteries are the key for Japan to achieve carbon neutrality by 2050, as batteries are the most important technology in the electrification of cars and other mobility devices.

"It is important to adjust electricity supply and demand to help increase the use of renewable energy," he concluded.

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