Indonesia Launches Sixth 60M Missile Fast Ship – KRI Panah 626

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Indonesia Launches Sixth 60M Missile Fast Ship – KRI Panah 626

After previously the fifth 60m Fast Missile Ship (KCR) (KRI Kapak 625) was launched by the Minister of Defense Prabowo Subianto in December 2021, now the sixth KCR 60M sister ship has been officially launched by Indonesian President Joko Widodo in the Submarine Facility area of ​​PT PAL Indonesia.

For PT PAL Indonesia on April 20, 2022, this is the first type of KCR launched by the President of the Republic of Indonesia.

The launch of the sixth KCR 60M is part of the agenda for the Launching of Holding and the Strategic Program for the Defense Industry BUMN. As a sister ship between the fifth KCR 60M and the sixth KCR 60M, both are identical ships in terms of ship specifications and weaponry.

The sixth 60m KCR, which will later be named "Arrow" by the Indonesian Navy, has now completed the construction of the hull/ship platform.

At the launch moment, President Jokowi expressed hope that there would be an increase in the value of TKDN in superior defense products from the figure that has been achieved so far, namely 41 percent so that it could continue to rise and increase and eventually be able to reach 100 percent.

Quoted from a press release by PT PAL Indonesia, KCR 60M is the state of the art PT PAL Indonesia. KCR 60m whose design patents have been recognized as Intellectual Property Rights (HAKI) of PT PAL Indonesia including Principal Dimension, Lines Plan, and Ship Drawing.

The design patent was issued by the Ministry of Law and Human Rights of the Republic of Indonesia with patent number IDP000073259 on 17 April 2012 and is valid until 25 November 2040.

KRI Panah 626
KRI Panah 626

With an overall length of 60 meters with a width of 8.10 meters and a height of 4.85 meters and capable of carrying a full load of 450 to 500 tons. KRI Panah 626 has been equipped with a weapon system capable of detecting targets in the air, surface and under the sea.

KCR Arrow is equipped with a weapon system (Main Gun) Bofors 57 MK3 mm, 20 mm Shipborne gun, and SSM ( Surface to Surface Missile) Exocet 40MM B3.

As well as patrol capabilities with qualified mileage and cruising speed to maintain Indonesia's vast territorial sea in Sea State 6 conditions and the ability to operate weapons in weapons operations at Sea State 4. Later the sixth KCR is planned to join and strengthen Indonesian warships that will serve in ship units. Quickly, the Third Commando.

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