Germany Rejects Ukraine's Request to Send 100 Marder IFVs

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Germany Rejects Ukraine's Request to Send 100 Marder IFVs

Although it has provided thousands of anti-tank weapons and MANPADS missiles, it seems that Germany has limited itself to providing heavy weapons assistance to Ukraine.

In contrast to Australia, which is ready to send Bushmaster 4×4 armored vehicles to Ukraine, Berlin has refused a request from Kiev to supply 100 units of Marder 1A3 IFV (Infantry Fighting Vehicle), a type of ranpur which incidentally is also operated by the Indonesian Army.

Quoted from (3/4/2022), citing sources within the German defense sphere, last Wednesday, Ukrainian Defense Minister Oleksii Reznikov sent a letter to the German Ministry of Defense, requesting 100 Marder IFVs and other heavy weapons.

Sources in Kiev told Welt that German Defense Minister Christine Lambrecht rejected the request in a telephone conversation with Reznikov.

The German Ministry of Defense said that all German Marder IFVs are bound by NATO commitments, therefore the deployment of the mines must have the blessing of NATO internally. Previously, Germany gave the go-ahead for a Czech company to sell 56 units of the former East German BMP-1 to Ukraine.

The Marder IFV was made from a specially designed chassis in the early 1960s. Historically, the Marder's initial design was to deal with IFVs from Eastern European countries during the Cold War.

This tank was created as a general platform for effective armored vehicles without compromising protection and mobility in support of the main battle tank, the Leopard.

Within the German Army, the Marder was operated as the main weapon of the Panzergrenadiere (mechanical infantry) from the 1970s onwards. The first Marder variant began to be developed in January 1960 and its first production received by the German military on January 7, 1971. Production of this combat vehicle continued until 1975, no less than 2,136 Marder units were produced.

The Indonesian Army has acquired 50 Marder 1A3 units used by the German Army, the purchase of the Marder is part of the purchase package for 103 Leopard 2A4 MBTs.

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