Wagner Group, Brutal Russian Mercenary Suppliers, Who Are They?

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Wagner Group, Brutal Russian Mercenary Suppliers, Who Are They?

Russia has sent 190,000 troops to the Ukrainian border. Of that number, there was a small group of mercenary status that came from the Wagner Group.

In a report by The Times quoted by The Economist, there are 400 Russian mercenaries reportedly on a mission to assassinate Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky. The presence of the Wagner Group is not a surprise because they have several times established close relations with Russian President Vladimir Putin.

The Wagner Group is accused of being part of separatist efforts in Luhansk and Donetsk to separate from Ukraine. They are also suspected of being involved in fighting in several African countries such as Libya, Syria, Mozambique, Mali, Sudan and the Central African Republic.

"From a legal perspective, Wagner doesn't really exist," said Sorcha MacLeod, a UN official who focuses on mercenary issues.

According to a European Union report, the Wargner Group was formed by former Russian soldier Dmitry Utkin in 2014 as a private military organization. He had served as an agent of the Russian Federal Intelligence Service (GRU) with the rank of Lieutenant Colonel.

In 2016 iNews reported that Utkin had been invited by Putin to the Kremlin Palace at an award ceremony for soldiers who served in Ukraine two years earlier.

A Russian businessman Yevgeny Prigozhin is rumored to be one of the diverters of the Wagner Group's operational funds, as well as providing ammunition and aircraft. Unfortunately, there is no clear information on the size of the Wagner Group budget and the wages of its members.

Bloomberg reports, in 2017 Wagner Group members have reached 6,000 people. Another report drafted by the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) said that mercenary groups had high selling points because they were willing to pay low prices and work efficiently.

The United States also used a mercenary named Black Water during the war in Iraq. A total of four members of Black Water were found guilty by the US government for killing 17 Iraqi civilians.

Like Black Water, the Wagner Group also had problems. In December 2021, the European Union imposed sanctions on eight members and three wing organizations of the Wagner Group against human rights crimes in the Central African Republic.

However, Putin denies having ties to the Wagner Group. In fact, there is a strong suspicion that the group is targeting Zelensky and several other officials including the mayor of Kyiv Vitali Klitschko.

A member of Wagner was interviewed by the US National Defense University Professor of Strategy, Sean McFate. The member admitted that the Wagner Group was a war strategy consultant to disguise the term mercenary.

The member also called his group a surprise force whose aim was to create chaos and fear, without worrying about human rights issues.

"They only work in small groups of three to eight people. They will disguise themselves, will not wear uniforms and speak Ukrainian," McFate said.

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