The Saudi-led coalition began military operations in Yemen today (26/3). According to Saudi state media reports, the military operation was carried out to stop attacks by Yemen's Houthi rebels on Saudi Arabia's oil facilities and protect global energy sources.
The coalition added that the military operation is in its early stages and that Yemen's Houthis must bear the consequences of their hostile behavior.
Furthermore, the Saudi Arabian coalition said, the purpose of the operation is to protect global energy sources and ensure supply chains run normally.
The coalition said it would "directly address the source of the threat" and called on civilians to avoid being near oil sites or facilities in Yemen's Red Sea port city of Hodeidah, Saudi state media reported.
The coalition's warning came after it managed to intercept and destroy two drones over Yemen that had been launched towards Saudi Arabia from an oil facility in Hodeidah.
The coalition said it would save civilian sites and avoid additional damage to oil facilities.
The Houthi-affiliated Al Masirah TV said coalition warplanes launched an attack on the city of Hodeidah and flights were still ongoing. Several residents told Reuters that the attack took place near the port of Hodeidah.
Al Masirah TV also said that the coalition attacked power companies and oil facilities in Hodeidah.
On Friday, the Saudi-led coalition said a distribution station for oil products from Saudi Aramco in Jeddah was hit by a Houthi attack. This caused fires in the two storage tanks but there were no casualties.
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