RGW-90 Matador – Disposable Anti-Tank Rocket, Sent Thousands By Germany To Ukraine

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RGW-90 Matador – Disposable Anti-Tank Rocket, Sent Thousands By Germany To Ukraine

In addition to sending Panzerfaust 3 anti-tank rockets to Ukraine – consisting of 400 launchers and 1,000 rocket munitions, the German government apparently also sent other types of anti-tank rockets to Ukraine.

Still in the man portable genre, international media reported that Germany had sent the first batch of 2,650 units of RGW-90 Matador (Man-portable Anti-Tank, Anti-DOoR) to Ukraine.

The first batch of Matadors is reported to have arrived in Ukraine on March 26, and there will be a second batch of 2,450 deliveries to be delivered by the end of May 2022. Unlike the Panzerfaust 3, the RGW-90 Matador is a disposable anti-tank weapon – with a single launcher. throw away.

The RGW-90 Matador is manufactured in Germany by Dynamit Nobel Defence. However, speaking of design, the RGW-90 Matador is the fruit of a design collaboration between three countries, namely Germany, Israel and Singapore.

Arguably, the RGW-90 Matador is the result of the refinement of Armbrust – a disposable anti-tank rocket designed by Germany (West) and Singapore, which is also used by the Taipur Kostrad TNI AD troops.

The RGW-90 Matador is an anti-tank weapon in 90 mm (3.5 inches) caliber. Designed in 1999, the development of the Matador involved the Singapore Armed Forces and the Defense Science and Technology Agency (DSTA), Rafael Advanced Defense Systems, and Dynamit Nobel Defence.

RGW-90 Matador is known as one of the lightest anti-tank weapons in its class (weight 8.9 kg) Its warhead carries a combination of High Explosive Anti-Tank (HEAT) and High Explosive Squash Head (HESH), which is expected to be effective against vehicles light armor and brick walls.

In the context of urban guerrilla warfare, this weapon has little back blast, so it is safe to operate in confined spaces (indoor).

In general, the RGW-90 Matador is presented in three variants – the Matador MP (Multi Purpose), as a versatile weapon with an effective warhead against a variety of ground targets, from light armored vehicles to fortification positions and city walls.

The Matador WB (Wall Breaching), as a special wall-breaking weapon, features an Explosively-Formed Ring (EFR) warhead that pierces a human-sized hole, between 75 cm and 100 cm.

Then the third variant of the AS Matador (Anti-structure), an anti-structure weapon with an advanced tandem warhead that can also be set between two modes.

Anti-employment mode uses an enhanced explosion effect to destroy structures and fortifications, while penetration mode to defeat lightly armored vehicles and create 'rat holes' in urban walls. The US Matador variant was specifically ordered by the British Army in 2006.

The RGW-90 Matador is used by Singaporean troops. The RGW-90 Matador engaged in its first combat in January 2009, being used by Israeli forces during Operation Cast Lead in the Gaza Strip.

From the specifications, the RGW-90 Matador has a length of 1 meter and uses an integral optical sights or night vision device with a picatinny rail. The Matador projectile can travel at a speed of 250 meters per second, with an effective firing range of 500 meters.

Apart from being used by Germany, Israel and Singapore, the RGW-90 Matador was recorded to be used by Belgium, Mexico, Saudi Arabia, Britain, Vietnam, and most recently, by Ukraine.

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