Recognizing Russia's Threat, European Union Drafts New Rules to Strengthen itself

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Recognizing Russia's Threat, European Union Drafts New Rules to Strengthen itself

The European Union on Monday (21/3) approved a new draft defense strategy that would make the bloc better able to act militarily. One of the things agreed was the formation of a 5,000-strong rapid reaction force.

The plan has actually been discussed for the last two years. This time the leaders of European countries finally had a unanimous vote following the real threat from Russia.

"This is not the answer to the Ukraine war, but it is part of the answer," said EU foreign policy chief Josep Borell, as quoted by The Straits Times.

Borell said the country's leaders were working harder at the last minute before a new defense strategy was approved. He said the majority of countries realized that Europe would face such a big challenge.

European Union leaders have described Russia's attack on Ukraine as a warning to its 27 members to take a more assertive approach to their security.

Quick reaction force formation

In its official statement, the European Union reiterated that the new strategy is designed to make the bloc a stronger and more capable security provider.

"A more hostile security environment requires us to make a quantum leap forward and increase our capacity and will to act, strengthen our resilience and invest more and better in our defense capabilities," the EU said.

At the heart of this new defense strategy is the creation of a rapid reaction force under the EU Rapid Deployment Capacity program and is expected to be realized by 2025. This special force of 5,000 troops is prepared to be deployed in a hostile environment.

The rapid reaction force will have land, air and sea components. The function of troops in the field will also vary, ranging from raids, reinforcements or as a backup force to secure an exit.

EU leaders have pledged to significantly increase their overall defense budget in response to Russia's invasion of Ukraine.

However, the new defense strategy does not specify whether it will feel the impact of increasing members' defense budgets.

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