North Korean Patrol Ship Breaks Border, South Korea Responds With Fire

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North Korean Patrol Ship Breaks Border, South Korea Responds With Fire

South Korea opened fire on a North Korean patrol boat that had crossed the territorial waters of the Ginseng State while tracking the whereabouts of a Pyongyang fishing boat on Tuesday (8/3).

South Korea's Joint Chiefs of Staff said the incident took place at around 9:30 am local time on the west coast of the Korean Peninsula.

Yonhap news agency reported that at that time South Korean troops detected a North Korean fishing boat breaking through their territorial waters.

South Korea then seized the fishing boat and dragged it to Baengnyeongdo Island for further investigation. At that time, a North Korean patrol boat moved to track the whereabouts of the fishing boat.

In its movement, the North Korean patrol boat had crossed the territorial waters of the two countries. The South Korean military then opened fire on the North Korean patrol boat.

As reported by Reuters, every movement and incident on the border between North and South Korea is always under the close monitoring of the two countries.

The two countries often clash over various issues. Until now, North and South Korea are still in a state of war.

The problem is, the Korean war in 1950-1953 only ended with an armistice between North and South Korea, not a peace agreement.

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