Netflix Stops Russian Managed Broadcasts

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Netflix Stops Russian Managed Broadcasts

In the midst of the invasion by Russia, several global companies also took a stand. One of them, Netflix Inc, said that in its current state it has no plans to add state-run channels to its Russian service.

As is known, Russia's communications regulator Roskomnadzor requires audiovisual services with more than 100,000 subscribers in the country to distribute 20 free state-run news, sports and entertainment channels.

Politico first reported that Netflix, which launched its service in Russia in October 2020, will come under new Russian regulations requiring compliance by March 1.

"Given the current situation, we have no plans to add these channels to our service," a Netflix spokesperson said in a statement.

A Netflix spokesperson declined to comment on whether the company has held conversations with Russian regulators. It's not yet clear how the service will be affected by Netflix's decision.

For your information, Russia is one of 190 countries that provide Netflix services.

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