The Russian invasion of Ukraine has been one month ago, and netizens were immediately shown a lot of heavyweight defense equipment and some of the newest Russian weapons in a war battle involving land, sea and of course air.
From the element of air attack, it cannot be ruled out that the role of a smart bomb with high precision will also determine the victory points.
And one of the smart bombs that Russia uses in military operations in Ukraine is the UPAB-1500BE. Quoted from (25/3/2022), it was stated that this smart bomb was also installed on the Sukhoi Su-35 fighter jet.
The UPAB-1500BE or also called K029BE is a new type of weapon, because it was only introduced by Russia at the 2019 MAKS event.
Bearing the title of a smart bomb, this is because the K029BE relies on satellite guidance, which of course is not GPS (Global Positioning System), but GLONASS (GLObalnaya NAvigatsionnaya Sputnikovaya Sistema).
Manufactured by KRTV, the K029BE relies on the high precision of 24 GLONASS channels, which is touted for accuracy on par with the Joint Direct Attack Munition (JDAM) family that rely on precision from GPS. The K029BE's accuracy level is said to be at the level of 10 meters.
K029BE is classified as a large bomb. The mass of the bomb was estimated to weigh 1,525 kg, of which 1,010 kg was the weight of the high-explosive concrete-piercing action warhead, which is expected to destroy concrete in bunkers.
With a cylindrical design, this smart bomb has a length of 5 meters and a diameter of 400 mm. The bomb body has a solid hemispherical nose fairing and a tapered tail. The four triangular planes of the folding structure are fixed in the center of the body. The wing is divided into fixed and console parts. The latter is located inside the fixed part and moves out after resetting.
In general, the K029BE can be released from an altitude of 15,000 meters, with the specified parameters, this bomb can reach targets as far as 50 km. This means that bombs can be dropped far beyond enemy air defense attack zones and dramatically reduce the risk to carrier aircraft.
KRTV designed the K029BE to be launched from the Su-24M, Su-34, Su-35 and Mig-35 fighter jets. The manufacturer also hopes to export these smart bombs to India and China.
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