Gasoline Prices Soar, Uber Charges Additional Fees for Passengers in the US, Russian Effect?

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Gasoline Prices Soar, Uber Charges Additional Fees for Passengers in the US, Russian Effect?

Uber Technologies Inc will charge additional fees for passengers in the United States, but not including New York. This is in line with the soaring price of fuel oil (BBM) as a result of the Russian invasion of Ukraine.

Uber's management said the additional fee will be imposed starting March 16, 2022. Later, the money earned will go directly into the pocket of the Uber driver.

"Customers must pay an additional 45 cents or 55 cents for each ride and 35 cents or 45 cents for each Uber Eats order. This depends on their location," Uber said, quoted by the New York Post, Sunday (13/3).

The surcharge will last for at least 60 days. After that, the company will make price adjustments based on the conditions of the workers and customers.

The move comes as many Uber drivers have protested on social media because of the high fuel costs that they are earning less and less even as the company raises its profitability outlook.

Russia's western sanctions against Russia have crippled global oil trade. As a result, gasoline prices have continued to soar in recent weeks.

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