Finally, US Have Its New Deadliest and High Speed VTOL Attack Aircraft

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Finally, US Have Its New Deadliest and High Speed VTOL Attack Aircraft

Bell has revealed part of its vision for a future high-speed vertical takeoff and landing or VTOL aircraft. A type of platform that u.s special operations command has recently been taking a particular interest in.

The company's initial stole concepts aim to combine the hover capability of a helicopter with the speed, range, and survivability features of a fighter aircraft, according to the company. 

These designs could potentially lead to a replacement for the air force's cv-22 biosphere tilt-rotor aircraft as well as other types. three different but similar stole concepts were unveiled by bell today, one of which is apparently unmanned.

All of them utilize a propulsion concept in which wingtip rotors are used for vertical lift, then these rotors fold away to reduce drag while turbofans provide thrust for the high speed, forward flight. the same concept is something that we have seen before in earlier bell patents for a new generation converter plane.

Future convertible engines could eventually provide their fill designs with a power plant that can switch between turboshaft and turbofan modes, eliminating the need for separate lift and cruise engines.

With no air intakes visible on the wingtip nacelles, this could also suggest some form of hybrid-electric propulsion for the rotors as well which would use the main jet power plant to provide gobs of electrical power to drive the rotors during terminal flight modes.

The first two aircraft in bell's concept artwork appear to be manned with cockpit transparencies and access doors into the main cabin, while the last seems to be unmanned.

While they all seem to share the same propulsion concept, the three bell designs otherwise differ in more minor details including engine intake arrangement and tail fins.

In addition, the airframes all look to incorporate basic low observable features, suggesting that they are designed to offer some degree of stealth at least when their rotors are folded away.

Bells have dull technology is a step-change improvement in rotorcraft capabilities, said Jason Hurst, vice president of bell's innovation division. 

Our technology investments have reduced risk and prepared us for rapid development of still in a digital engineering environment, leveraging experience from a robust past of technology exploration and close partnerships with the department of defense and research laboratories."

Exactly how the aircraft are expected to work from a propulsion point of view has not been revealed, but Bell does mention emerging propulsion technologies which could well be a reference to convertible engines.

In addition, the company has detailed aspects of the broader capabilities of its hostile design concepts. these will include the ability to hover while producing limited downwash, unlike the CV-22b for example jet light crew speeds of over 400 knots, runway independence and hover endurance and scalability to suit a range of missions from unmanned personnel recovery to tactical mobility.

Finally, bell says that it VTOL aircraft are planned to have gross weights ranging from 4.000 pounds to over 100.000 pounds, suggesting that there are other similar designs in the works in addition to these three. by way of contrast, the C-22b tilt rotor has a gross weight of 60 500 pounds.

The first design on the left appears larger than the osprey while the second looks similar in size. the third unmanned concept looks smaller still which makes sense. so this is clearly a highly scalable concept.

It is interesting to note that bell's concept art shows the larger of the two-man designs wearing a tail flash of the kind that airlifters as well as aerial refueling tankers, assigned to air mobility command typically wear.

The smaller of the manned concepts has sharp mouth nose art and features a sensor turret under the fuselage and looks overall to be more of an assault transport in the vein of the CV-22b. The unmanned type looks like it could have the ability to carry weapons and could be envisioned as operating in an escort role accompanying the larger stools to a target area, among other mission sets.

In its press release bell also mentioned its particular pedigree in the high-speed vertical lift aircraft technology, pointing to a wide range of previous VTOL configurations such as the X-14, X-22 15-3, and 15-15 which the company developed variously for NASA, the DOT army and the air force.

Today of course bell together with Boeing is responsible for the V-22 Osprey tilt-rotor.

In april this year, Bell received a 950 000 contract from the Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL) to research its VTOL concept. A month later air force Colonel Ken Kubler special operations command's program executive officer for fixed-wing confirmed that the bell design was among those the command was looking at to meet the emerging stole requirement.

In addition to bell which is perhaps the established high-speed VTOL player, the air force special operations command and the afworks technology incubator are also looking at smaller companies who might be able to contribute groundbreaking ideas to the stole.

The afworks challenge submissions for which closed last month have been for other concepts that could offer optimal agility in austere environments. There are other designs too, dating back as far as the early 1980s that reveals just how long the department of defense has been looking at exotic vertical lift platforms including stealthy ones and high-speed ones.

The war zone has looked in detail at some of these in the two-part feature series linked here. while a short takeoff and landing VTOL, rather than a VTOL concept the air force's speed agile concept demonstrator or SACD similarly to achieve high speed featured a four-engine configuration and was also intended to move larger and heavier payloads.

Some of these earlier concepts have been unmanned too like the initial bells toll concepts. Lockheed Martin's VTOL advanced reconnaissance insertion organic unmanned system various is one example of this line of thinking. then there is DARPA's VTOL plane, another program seeking to exploit the advantages of fixed-wing and rotary-wing concepts, albeit with a plan top sustained flight speed of 300 to 400 knots.

That same program yielded the 15-24 lightning strike, another unmanned VTOL concept developed for the defense advanced research projects agency (DARPA) by aurora flight sciences now part of Boeing together with Rolls-Royce and Honeywell but later canceled.

While a high-speed VTOL design would offer more rapid deployment and enhanced survivability, the freedom from conventional runways and infrastructure also aligns with the pentagon's increasing focus on so-called distributed operations, especially the kinds of campaigns that might be expected in a peer conflict in the Asia-pacific region.

It may not be entirely coincidental, therefore china too is looking at similar kinds of concepts including an exotic looking model of an apparent hybrid gas turbine electric manned combat rotorcraft appearing earlier this year.

As in the bell concept, at least some of the prop rotors on the Chinese design incorporate a folding mechanism to reduce drag while in forwarding flight.

Undoubtedly actually realizing the promise of true high-speed VTOL flight will involve considerable technological challenges ahead. However, it's becoming increasingly clear that this is a goal that a growing number of branches of the military in the united states and elsewhere are now intent on achieving.

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