The Chinese government will increase its defense budget to US$ 230.16 billion in 2022.
The value of China's military budget has increased 7.1 percent from the previous year.
Based on the Chinese Ministry of Finance's proposed budget released Saturday (6/3), the budget increased higher than 2021, which rose 6.8% and a 6.6% increase in 2020.
China's defense budget rose 7.5% in 2019 to 1.19 trillion yuan.
Total central government spending on the public budget is expected to rise 14.3 percent to 13.40 trillion yuan this year.
"We will move faster to modernize military logistics and asset management systems, and build modern weapons and equipment management systems," Premier Li Keqiang said.
Li's other statements on military development and foreign policy remain in line with statements in 2021.
He said China would continue to pursue an independent foreign policy of peace.