6 Nuclear reactors stop working, Ukraine is threatened with Paralysis

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6 Nuclear reactors stop working, Ukraine is threatened with Paralysis

Ukraine is currently experiencing a power crisis after 6 of its 15 nuclear reactors stopped working and were unable to supply electricity. The power outage rate in Ukraine is currently at its highest.

Reporting from The Straits Times, Ukraine has four complexes spread across different parts of the country that house 15 of its operational reactors.

James M. Acton, a nuclear analyst at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, said that nuclear power plants are not inherently designed to be in war zones. According to Acton, this situation will seriously disrupt Ukraine's military operations in total.

"Ukraine's nuclear facilities could become targets in a war which, however, would interfere with their operations," Acton said.

Power outages in Ukraine are actually quite common and are always reported by the Ukrainian State Nuclear Regulatory Inspectorate located in Ukraine.

However, since Sunday (27/2), or on the third day of the Russian invasion, the state agency started reporting unnatural levels of power outages with 6 of the country's 15 reactors offline.

The Zaporizhzhia nuclear power facility in eastern Ukraine is the site with the highest number of offline reactors. It is located north of Crimea, one of Russia's main routes for launching an invasion of Ukraine.

The Zaporizhzhia nuclear reactor complex is also listed as the largest, not only in Ukraine, but also in Europe. Currently 3 of the 6 reactors are not capable of producing electricity.

On Monday (28/2), the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) reported that Russian troops were moving towards Zaporizhzhia, but had not yet entered the nuclear reactor complex.

The decline in electricity production in Ukraine may be due to the war which required a lot of industrial supplies and maintenance. If it continues, the blackout will be widespread and could paralyze Ukraine.

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