US State Department Urges Americans in Ukraine to Leave Immediately

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US State Department Urges Americans in Ukraine to Leave Immediately

The United States has urged its citizens currently in Ukraine to leave immediately because of the growing threat of Russian military action" against Ukraine, reinforcing earlier warnings urging Americans to "consider" such action.

"Do not travel to Ukraine because of the increasing threat of Russian military action and COVID-19," the State Department said in a statement.

“Those who are in Ukraine must leave now by commercial or private means.

If you stay in Ukraine, watch out for crime, civil unrest and potential combat operations if Russia takes military action. Some areas are at increased risk," the statement continued.

High tensions continue to float in the region amid a flurry of diplomatic activity involving Western and Russian leaders, following Moscow's move to amass at least 100,000 troops near its border with Ukraine.

Western leaders have expressed concern about a possible new invasion by Russia of neighboring and rival Ukraine. Russia did invade Ukraine in 2014, seizing territory of Crimea and aiding separatists in the east of the country.

Russia denies planning to invade Ukraine, even as it holds a massive military maneuver with ally Belarus involving some 30,000 troops.

As Radio Free Europe reported, Thursday (02/10/2022), On February 1, the US State Department warned American travelers to avoid Belarus.

This is because there is a risk of "arbitrary law enforcement", a risk of detention and an "unusual and worrying" buildup of the Russian military along Belarus' border with Ukraine.

The call came as Canada told its citizens to avoid all travel to Ukraine citing "the ongoing threat from Russia and the risk of armed conflict."

Earlier, on January 26, the US Embassy in Kiev issued a warning urging Americans in Ukraine to consider leaving the country, given the "unpredictable" situation amid rising tensions with Russia over its troop buildup near the border, surrounding Ukraine from north, east and south.

"The security situation in Ukraine continues to be unpredictable due to the increasing threat of Russian military action and could worsen with little notice," the embassy said in a statement at the time.

"The US Embassy urges US citizens in Ukraine to consider departing now using commercial or other available private transportation options," he added.

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