The Navy's Two Ferocious Submarines, Seawolf and Astute Class, Can Do What?

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The Navy's Two Ferocious Submarines, Seawolf and Astute Class, Can Do What?

The Navy can become more ferocious and stronger, one of which is with the presence of submarines.

This was also revealed by Defense View, saying that the Navy would be very vicious if it was equipped with two main components and one of them was a submarine.

Therefore, the ownership of a tough and ferocious submarine is one of the determining factors for the Navy's combat strength.

It is undeniable that two thirds of the world is covered by oceans, making the presence of a qualified Navy become important. And the presence of a submarine combat fleet for the Navy is no less important.

Ownership of a submarine correlates directly with the strength of the Navy.

Of the many submarines in the world, there are some of them that turn out to be very vicious.

Quoted from Military Today, there are two examples of very fierce submarines in this world. The two submarines that became the Navy's fighting force and were very vicious are the Seawolf class and the Astute class.

To find out more about the combat capabilities of the Seawolf class and Astute class submarines, consider the following:

1. Seawolf-class submarines

First, there is the Seawolf class submarine, which turns out to be the most ferocious submarine in the world.

The Seawolf class submarine is a submarine owned by the US Navy.

As a developed country, of course, the US is not careless about the development of submarines such as the Seawolf class.

The Seawolf class submarine is the world's most advanced hunter and killer submarine.

Not only is it the most sophisticated submarine, it turns out that the Seawolf Class is a very expensive submarine.

The presence of these Seawolf class submarines was to restore the technological advantage the US Navy had enjoyed over the Soviets from 1945 to the mid-1980s.

This is when the espionage and cynical trade practices of some US allies are eroding it somewhat.

The Seawolf class submarines were meant to locate and destroy the latest Soviet ballistic missile submarines.

Initially, 12 Seawolf class submarines were planned to be built, but these advanced submarines were too expensive even for the US.

And in the end production was stopped with only managed to develop three units of Seawolf class submarines.

The Seawolf-class submarines are arguably the quietest submarines the world has ever built, even at high speeds.

Most submarines need to maintain a speed of up to 5 knots to avoid detection by passive sonar arrays, while the Seawolf class is credited for being able to cruise at 20 knots and is still impossible to find.

2. Astute class Submarine

The first Astute-class nuclear-powered attack submarine was commissioned with the Royal Navy in 2010.

So far there are seven ships of the class in service, and will replace the older Swiftsure-class attack submarines.

The Astute class submarines are very “quiet” and can carry more weapons than the previous Trafalgar class ships.

The attack submarine is equipped with six 533 mm torpedo tubes, which are used to launch Spearfish torpedoes, Sub-Harpoon anti-ship missiles and Tomahawk cruise missiles.

The Tomahawk Block IV ground attack cruise missile has a range of 1,700 km and can target enemy ships as well as ground targets.

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