Russian MiG-31 Fighter Jet Follows US B-1B Bomber Over Sea of ​​Japan

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Russian MiG-31 Fighter Jet Follows US B-1B Bomber Over Sea of ​​Japan

Russia's Mikoyan MiG-31 fighter jet was sent to follow the United States' B-1B Lancer bomber over the Sea of ​​Japan, Sunday (17/10/2021).

According to Russia's Center for National Defense Management, the fighter jet was launched to intercept the American bomber as it approached the country's borders.

The center said Russia's airspace control system detected aerial targets over the neutral waters of the Sea of ​​Japan moving close to the country's borders.

The Russian Mikoyan MiG-31 of the Eastern Military District air defense rapid reaction warning force was deployed to identify him.

“The crew of the Russian fighter jet identified the target as a US B-1B Lancer bomber and escorted it over the Sea of Japan. No violation of Russia's state borders is allowed," the National Defense Management Center was quoted as saying by the TASS news agency.

As the Center for National Defense notes, the flights of Russian warplanes are carried out in strict compliance with international rules for using airspace.

The US military has not commented on the interactions of its bombers with Moscow fighter jets over the Sea of Japan.

Washington has been adamant it will continue to carry out flights and shipping anywhere in international territory.

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