Russian Ambassador: Moscow Will not Act in Ukraine if it is not Provoked

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Russian Ambassador: Moscow Will not Act in Ukraine if it is not Provoked

Tensions around Ukraine have risen in recent weeks as the United States and Britain have repeatedly accused Russia of plotting an "invasion" and wanting to install a puppet government in Kiev.

Russia's Ambassador to the European Union (EU) Vladimir Chizhov stated on Tuesday (15/2/2022) that his country will not take any action against Ukraine unless Kiev provokes a response.

"If Ukraine carries out an attack on Russia, don't be surprised we respond," he told The Guardian.

He also stressed, "Moscow will not allow the blatant murder of Russian citizens anywhere, including in the Donbass."

Tensions in Ukraine are still at an impasse and there is no common ground between the warring parties.

The West is still increasing provocations about the alleged Russian invasion of Ukraine. Armaments from both sides have been piled up on both sides of the border between the two countries.

Russia has completed a number of large-scale military exercises across the country, with more exercises expected to conclude soon. Russian Defense Minister Sergey Shoigu said this to President Vladimir Putin on Monday (14/2/2022).

According to Shoigu, the Army and Navy exercises, which have been held across Russia, have checked the readiness of almost every military district of the country.

"Large-scale exercises are taking place in the Western Military District, in almost all fleets, in the Barents Sea, Black Sea, Baltic Sea and Pacific Fleet," Shoigu said.

He added, “Troops from almost every military district, including the Eastern Military District, Central Military District, and Northern Fleet, take part in it.”

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