Russia Will Reportedly Attack on February 16, This is the Response of the Ukrainian President

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Russia Will Reportedly Attack on February 16, This is the Response of the Ukrainian President

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskiy on Monday called on the country's people to raise the flag and sing the national anthem in unison on February 16, the date some Western media believe Russia could invade Ukraine.

Ukrainian government officials stressed that Zelenskiy did not predict Wednesday's attack, but responded skeptically to foreign media reports.

"They told us that February 16 would be the day of the attack. We will make it a day of unity," Zelenskiy said in a video address to the country as reported by Reuters on Tuesday (15/2).

"They are trying to scare us by mentioning the start date of military action," Zelenskiy said. "On that day, we will fly our national flag, wear yellow and blue banners, and show the whole world our unity."

Zelenskiy has long said that, while he believes Russia is threatening to attack his country, the possibility of an imminent invasion has been exaggerated by Western allies, responding to Moscow's attempts to intimidate Ukraine and sowing panic.

Mykhailo Podolyak, an adviser to Zelenskiy's chief of staff, told Reuters the president was responding in part "with irony" to media reports about a possible invasion date.

"It is perfectly understandable why Ukrainians are currently skeptical about the various 'certain dates' of the so-called 'start invasion' announced in the media," he said. "When the 'start of the invasion' becomes something of a rolling tour date, such media announcements can only be seen as ironic."

Zelenskiy's office issued a decree calling on all villages and towns in Ukraine to raise the state flag on Wednesday, and for the whole nation to sing the national anthem at 10 a.m. It also called for an increase in the salaries of soldiers and border guards.

US officials have said they did not expect the strike ordered by Russian President Vladimir Putin on any given day, but have repeatedly warned that it could come at any time.

"I'm not going to mention a specific date, I don't think it's smart. I'm just going to let you know that it's very likely he could move without warning," Pentagon spokesman John Kirby told reporters.

Earlier, Kirby said Moscow was still adding to its military capabilities on the Ukrainian border.

US Secretary of State Antony Blinken said Washington, which has repatriated most of its diplomats, was moving the remainder of its diplomatic mission in Ukraine from Kyiv to the western city of Lviv, further away from the Russian border. He cited a "dramatic acceleration in the buildup of Russian troops".

Blinken said Washington was offering Ukraine up to $1 billion in state loan guarantees to calm markets.

The State Department issued a travel advisory recommending that US citizens leave Belarus, which borders Russia and Ukraine.

Russia has more than 100,000 troops gathered near the Ukrainian border. Russia's political leaders deny Western accusations that it plans to attack, but say it can take unspecified "military technical" action unless a series of demands are met, including barring Kyiv from joining the NATO alliance.

Russia suggested on Monday that it would continue to talk to the West to try to defuse the security crisis.

In televised conversations, Putin is shown asking his foreign minister, Sergei Lavrov, if there is a possibility of a deal to address Russia's security concerns, or if it is simply being dragged into tortuous negotiations.

Lavrov replied: "We have warned more than once that we will not allow endless negotiations on questions that demand solutions today."

But he added: "It seems to me that our possibilities are far from exhausted... At this stage, I would advise to go ahead and build on it."

Western countries have threatened unprecedented sanctions if Russia strikes. The Group of Seven major economies (G7) warned on Monday of "economic and financial sanctions that will have major and immediate consequences on the Russian economy".

After speaking with the foreign ministers of Russia and Ukraine, UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres said he still believed "from his own analysis, his own hope" that there would be no conflict, a UN spokesman said.

Moscow says Ukraine's attempts to join NATO pose a threat. While NATO has no immediate plans to recognize Ukraine, Western countries say they cannot negotiate the sovereign state's right to form an alliance.

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