Reply to Expulsion of Diplomats, US Deputy Ambassador Ordered to Leave Russia!

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Reply to Expulsion of Diplomats, US Deputy Ambassador Ordered to Leave Russia!

United States Deputy Ambassador Bart Gorman was asked to leave Russia in retaliation for the expulsion of Russian diplomats from Washington.

The decisive step was announced by a spokeswoman for the Russian Foreign Ministry, Maria Zakharova.

"We would like to be clear about the departure of the deputy head of the US diplomatic mission in Moscow, Bart Gorman, which some media have tried to present as a deliberate escalation on the part of Russia," Zakharova said.

He added, "It is true that the US diplomat was told to leave Russia, but it was done in a firm manner in retaliation for the baseless expulsion of a minister-advisor to our embassy in Washington, contrary to his senior diplomatic rank."

“In addition, the US State Department categorically ignored our request to extend his stay. at least until a replacement arrives," he said.

Zakharova stressed, “As a result, she had to leave without being replaced, which only exacerbated the already critical personnel shortage at the Russian embassy, ​​which arose as a result of the 'visa war' waged by America."

Zakharova made the official statement by the government in comments posted to the website of the Russian Foreign Ministry.

Tensions continue to rise between Russia and the US over Ukraine.

The West accuses Russia of trying to attack Ukraine. Russia has denied the allegation.

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