Missile-Laden F-16 Jets Head To Romania Amid Fears War In Ukraine

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Missile-Laden F-16 Jets Head To Romania Amid Fears War In Ukraine

The US air force announced today that an unspecified number of F-16C Viper Fighter jets have deployed to Romania from their base in Germany. The United States army has also disclosed that it sent a contingent of avengers short-range air defense systems to that country earlier this week.

This is all part of a broader effort to bolster nato's forced posture along its eastern flank in order to reassure members of the alliance of which Romania has won and deter Russia.

This comes as american officials among others are becoming increasingly apprehensive about the possibility of the Kremlin kicking off a new large-scale military operation against Ukraine in the coming days.

According to u.s air forces in europ,e the F-16C from the 52nd fighter wing based at spangdulem air base in Germany left for fiteste air base in Romania earlier today.

The air force released a number of pictures of the vipers departing spanglem. interestingly, they show one of the fighters armed with live AIM-120 advanced medium-range air-to-air missiles, as seen at the top of this story, while others are seen carrying inert aim 120, as well as AIM 9X sidewinder missiles more typically carried during exercises.

Having the inert missiles available will be useful for conducting training sorties alongside Romanian F-16 and other nato aircraft while flying from fitasti in addition to being on call in case of contingencies.

This deployment is ostensibly in support of nato's air policing mission in the black sea region. When they arrive if they haven't already, the vipers will join Italian eurofighter typhoons already in Romania, albeit at a different base which have been serving in this role since december.

At the same time, the air force and nato have both made clear that these jets are flying in specifically in response to russia's extremely worrisome build-up of forces along its borders with ukraine, as well as in neighboring Belarus.

The additional aircraft and crews will work closely with allies in the black sea region to reinforce regional security during the current tensions caused by russia's military buildup near Ukraine. The United States air forces in europe said in its release regarding the deployment.

The aircraft will complete a range of air-to-air training maneuvers with nato allies to strengthen interoperability and the enhanced communications link required to execute multinational air operations.

The F-16 aircraft will significantly enhance nato's deterrence posture in Nato's southeast region and provide additional responsiveness for the enhanced air policing mission.

French air force lieutenant general pascal de leers, the deputy commander of Nato's allied air command said in a statement allied air forces are standing shoulder to shoulder to provide a robust collective defense and deliver constant vigilance across nato airspace.

The movement of these F-16s to romania is only the latest example of a nato member deploying combat aircraft within europe, in response to the worsening security station surrounding Ukraine.

Just yesterday, a group of u.s air force F-15C and F-15D Eagles arrived in poland for a similar deployment. The detachment of air force F-15E strike eagles touched down in estonia last month to bolster the alliance's air policing forces in the baltic sea region as well. Belgian, Polish and Danish F-16 are also currently deployed to bases in Estonia and Lithuania.

In addition four u.s air force B-52H bombers landed in the United Kingdom yesterday as part of a previously planned bomber task force deployment.

However, the current geopolitical situation in Europe could very well have an impact on how those aircraft are utilized while they are in the region.

Separately, the army released pictures today showing an avenger-equipped contingent from the 5th battalion, 4th air defense artillery regiment at their base in germany as they prepared to travel by convoy to romania earlier this week.

It's unclear if these personnel are among the 1000 troops that the united states government announced would be heading to that eastern european country last week.

At the time the pentagon only said that force would primarily consist of elements of the army's germany-based second cavalry regiment, which is primarily equipped with variants of the eight by eight striker-wheeled armored vehicle.

Five fourth air defense artillery is not part of that unit. a caption attached to one of the pictures reads, enhanced vigilance in Central and Southeastern Europe is a strong reflection of the will, unity and cohesion of the nato alliance by demonstrating readiness in multinational operations.

 it's not clear how many army avengers have now gone to romania and the pictures that the service has released so far show at least five of the vehicles preparing to leave Germany on february 7th.

The humvee based avenger system consists of a turret with two launchers, each containing four stinger short range heat seeking surface-to-air missiles. they are also equipped with a single point five zero caliber M3P machine gun.

Stinger is already a high capable point defense weapon against various aerial threats and the army has been working to improve the missile's capabilities against small drones, a target set that is of ever-growing concern in recent years.

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