Kremlin: Nobody Breaks the Rules of Maneuvering 140 Russian Warships in the Black Sea

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Kremlin: Nobody Breaks the Rules of Maneuvering 140 Russian Warships in the Black Sea

All military maneuvers carried out by Russian Navy ships in the Black Sea during the war games comply with international law and trade routes are not affected. This was stated by the Kremlin spokesman, Dmitry Peskov, Thursday (02/11/2022).

The Russian presidential spokesman denied Kiev's claim that the maneuvers of the Russian warships had blocked trade routes in the Black Sea.

"All military maneuvers and deployments by Russian ships in the Black Sea are carried out in accordance with international maritime law," Peskov stressed, as quoted by the TASS news agency, Thursday (02/10/2022).

When asked about whether this meant that battleships were not blocking trade routes, the Kremlin press secretary replied: "No (they didn't block)."

As reported, Russia's Black Sea Fleet, a naval task force consisting of the large amphibious assault ships Korolyov, Minsk, Kaliningrad, Pyotr Morgunov, Georgy Pobedonosets, and Olenegorsky Gornyak has completed its inter-fleet transit around Europe.

Russian naval vessels are currently arriving at the main naval base of the Black Sea Fleet, the port city of Sevastopol.

In accordance with the 2022 training plan of the Russian Armed Forces, a series of naval exercises were held in January-February this year in all areas of responsibility of the Navy fleet under the general command of the Commander-in-Chief of the Russian Navy Admiral Nikolay Yevmenov.

Naval maneuvers are focused on measures by the Navy and Aerospace Forces to protect Russia's national interests in the World Ocean and counter military threats to Russia from seas and oceans.

The exercises cover the seas adjacent to Russian territory as well as operationally important areas in the World Ocean.

Separate exercises will be conducted in the Mediterranean Sea, North Sea and Okhotsk, in the northeast Atlantic and Pacific Ocean.

In all, the massive exercise will bring together more than 140 warships and support ships, more than 60 aircraft, 1,000 items of military hardware and about 10,000 troops.

Earlier, Kyiv strongly condemned the combat drills of six Russian warships in the Black Sea, near the southern coast of Ukraine.

According to Kiev, Moscow's maneuvers make navigation in the Black and Sea of ​​Azov nearly impossible.

"Russia's actions demonstrate a blatant disregard for the rules and principles of international law," the Ukrainian Ministry of Foreign Affairs said in a statement Thursday.

The ministry also added that Kyiv would work closely with partner countries to prepare a response.

"The aggressive actions of the Russian Federation as part of a hybrid war against Ukraine are unacceptable," the ministry continued, as quoted by Al Jazeera.

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