Italy Seeks to Deliver Aid Arms and Military Equipment to Ukraine

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Italy Seeks to Deliver Aid Arms and Military Equipment to Ukraine

The Italian government on Monday (28/2) said it would provide weapons assistance to Ukraine. Not only that, Italy also offered assistance to refugees fleeing the Russian invasion.

According to Reuters, a decree drawn up by the cabinet of Prime Minister Mario Draghi said that Italy would send vehicles, materials and military equipment to the Ukrainian government.

The decree still has to get approval from parliament before it can be implemented.

The decree also establishes a state of emergency until the end of this year to help Ukrainian refugees. It also includes measures aimed at reducing Italy's dependence on natural gas from Russia.

Italy was actually struggling with soaring energy costs even before the war in Ukraine started. The surge in costs has directly hurt companies and households.

In response, the government issued a policy to reduce gas consumption in power plants by maximizing production from other sources, on top of contributions from renewable energy.

Draghi's government will allocate €10 million (US$ 11.2 million) to build appropriate evacuation facilities. The budget will also be used to increase the capacity of the shelter to 16,000 places.

The Cabinet will also set up €500,000 aimed at enabling Ukrainian students, researchers and teachers to continue their work at Italian universities and art institutes.

Italy only took this step when the war between Russia and Ukraine entered its fifth day. At the same time, the governments of Russia and Ukraine have also met at the Belarusian border to discuss a ceasefire.

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