Defuse Tensions, Macron Will Visit Russia and Ukraine

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Defuse Tensions, Macron Will Visit Russia and Ukraine

Western world leaders are constantly trying to avoid a major conflict with Russia over Ukraine. After previously British Prime Minister Boris Johnson made diplomatic efforts, now it's French President Emmanuel Macron's turn.

France's presidential office said Emmanuel Macron would meet with Russian leader Vladimir Putin in Moscow on February 7 and Ukrainian leaders on February 8 to discuss the situation on the two countries' borders.

This came as Macron said finding a path of dialogue towards reducing tensions in Ukraine was a priority, even as the United States said it would send an additional 3,000 troops to Poland and Romania as Russia regrouped in Russia. near Ukraine.

Macron had previously held separate phone calls with the leaders of Russia and Ukraine on Thursday to try to make progress on the status of the Donbass region as part of efforts to defuse tensions, Macron's office said in a statement.

The statement also said Macron had underlined to Russia's Vladimir Putin and Ukraine's Volodymyr Zelensky of the importance of discussing conditions for achieving a strategic balance in Europe that would allow for the reduction of tensions on the ground and ensure security on the continent.

Earlier, British Prime Minister Boris Johnson had accelerated his diplomatic efforts to prevent the bloodshed by visiting Ukraine and speaking by telephone with Russian President Vladimir Putin.

The latest attempt by Western leaders to defuse tensions on the Ukrainian border comes as the US says Russia has prepared Operation False Flag as an excuse to attack Ukraine.

The US says Russia has formulated several options as a pretext for attacking Ukraine, including the potential use of propaganda videos showing a staged attack, as the Kremlin condemns the deployment of American troops in the region.

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