Anonymous Hackers Promise to Fight Putin with Large-Scale Cyberwarfare

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Anonymous Hackers Promise to Fight Putin with Large-Scale Cyberwarfare

Hacker group Anonymous is said to have hacked the databases of the Russian Ministry of Defense as well as state TV stations to convey pro-Ukrainian content, and has publicly declared war on Russian President Vladimir Putin.

This threat was launched after Russia had not ended the attack on Ukraine that had been going on since Thursday (24/2).

After the statement was made, Russia Today was difficult to access due to DDoS attacks, then continued with the official Kremlin and Ministry of Defense websites which are still inaccessible.

Later in the day, Anonymous also claimed to have hijacked Putin's yacht. Yesterday Anonymous also sent a long video message to Putin, warning that Russians are against war, and sanctions imposed by western countries will hurt Russian citizens themselves.

"If you continue on this path, you will lose the support of the Russian people, other countries around the world will also refuse to work with you, and you will face unprecedented cyber attacks from around the world," said the masked figure inside. those videos.

"Anonymous members have declared cyberwarfare against your aggressive regime, with government websites brought down in recent days."

"But this is only the beginning. You will soon feel the wrath of the world's hackers, many of whom are from your country."

However, it is difficult to determine whether this attack was actually carried out by Anonymous or from another party, according to Jamie Collier, a consultant at US cybersecurity firm Mandiant.

"It is difficult to directly attribute this activity to Anonymous, as the targeted entities will likely be reluctant to publish related technical data. However, Anonymous has a track record of carrying out this kind of activity and it is very much within their capabilities," he said, as quoted from the statement. The Guardians.

On the other hand, Russia Today has publicly called its site's problems the work of Anonymous, and claimed the attack originated in the United States.

"Following the statement by Anonymous, the Russia Today website was the subject of a massive DDoS attack from around 100 million devices, mostly based in the US," Russia Today said in a statement.

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