Welcoming the Abrams and Leopard MBTs in Ukraine, Russia is preparing the UGV Marker 'Tank Destroyer' Robot

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Welcoming the Abrams and Leopard MBTs in Ukraine, Russia is preparing the UGV Marker 'Tank Destroyer' Robot

Soon, the Russian military will hold a big celebration, namely 'welcoming' the arrival of favorite combat vehicles from the United States and the West, starting from the M2 Bradley Infantry Fighting Vehicle (IFV) class to the top Main Battle Tank (MBT), such as the Leopard 2A4, Challenger and M1A2 Abrams. 

In order to welcome special guests who will appear in Ukraine, a series of preparations have been made in Moscow. From the taskandpurpose.com page (31/1/2023), Russia said it had planned to deploy possible actions on the presence of a heavyweight ranpur from the West. 

In addition to promising a million-ruble reward to soldiers who successfully destroy a Western MBT, Russia is rumored to be deploying an unmanned ground vehicle – Unmanned Ground Vehicle (UGV) modified into a tank destroyer.

Speaking to RIA Novosti last week, Dmitriy Rogozin – the former head of the Russian Space Agency who currently serves as the head of the Military Advisory Group calling itself “Royal Wolves” or “Tsar's Wolves” – announced that western-made tanks will eventually face off against robots. tanks, one of which is called the Marker UGV, which is armed with anti-tank missiles.

Currently, the Marker UGV has limited deployment on the battlefields of eastern Ukraine. “We agree that the Marker UGV should be prepared to face the Leopard and Abrams MBTs in Ukraine,” said Rogozin.

The UGV Marker is a tracked robotic tank developed by Android Technologies and the Advanced Research Foundation, which is the US equivalent of the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA).

So far, there are only Marker UGVs ready for service, four of which have been delivered to the Donbass front in Ukraine. The Marker was previously tested, like many Russian-made UGVs, mainly in reconnaissance and intelligence gathering roles, where it could travel long distances and launch small drones as reconnaissance platforms.

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