5 Months of War, Russian Military Kills the Lives of 40 Thousand Ukrainian Soldiers

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5 Months of War, Russian Military Kills the Lives of 40 Thousand Ukrainian Soldiers

Hundreds of thousands of lives were lost during the Russian military invasion of Ukraine, since February 24, 2022. The President of Ukraine, Volodymyr Zelensky, revealed the fact that the Armed Forces of Ukraine (ZSU) had suffered heavy losses during five months of fighting.

In his official Youtube account, the Government of Ukraine broadcast Zelenzky's speech in a video with a duration of 4 minutes 35 seconds, Tuesday, July 26, 2022. On that occasion, Zelensky also revealed data that nearly 40 thousand Ukrainian soldiers died in five months of war.

Zelensky also asked the public to inform the government and even the Russian public of this fact. Because not only tens of thousands of victims died, there were tens of thousands of others who suffered from permanent disabilities.

"Nearly 40 000 soldiers of the Ukrainian Armed Forces have disappeared since February 24. Tens of thousands of others were injured or disabled," Zelensky was quoted as saying by VIVA Military from Pravda.

"Everyone who is still in contact with someone in Russia or has a way of conveying information to the Russian public, should convey this simple fact to everyone they reach," he said.

Later, Zelensky also informed him of the latest news regarding the attacks by the Russian Federation Armed Forces (VSRF) in Odesa, Mykolaiv, Kharkiv, Donbas (Donetsk) and Zaporizhzhia Oblasts.

"Today, the invaders again attacked the Odesa area. They fired missiles to destroy (Ukrainian) warships and other main targets. Where, many people live there," Zelensky continued.

"Russia continues to carry out terror in the Kharkiv, Mykolaiv, Zaporizhzhia Dnipropetrovs, Donbas and border regions of Sumy and Chernihiv," he said.

Hearing these facts, Zelensky stated that Ukraine would retaliate for any attack by the Russian military against his country.

Zelensky also insisted that the Russian Defense Ministry should know this, and not spread lies over attacks targeting civilians.

"And we will certainly strike back against all of this. No matter what lies the Russian Ministry of Defense makes about the attack," Zelensky said.

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